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Сборник включает полную коллекцию фильмов: 
1) Омен (1976 г.) - "The Omen".
Он был рожден в 6 часов 6-го дня 6-го месяца. Как предсказано в Книге Откровений, настанет Конец света, последнее противостояние сил добра и зла, и началом его будет рождение сына Сатаны в облике человеческом. У жены американского дипломата Роберта Торна рождается мертвый ребенок, и ее муж неспособный сообщить ей эту трагическую новость, усыновляет младенца с непонятным родимым пятном в виде трех шестерок — числа зверя. Подробности рождения ребенка остаются в секрете, но со временем становится ясно, что это необычный ребенок. Вокруг постоянно, при загадочных обстоятельствах, умирают люди и происходят таинственные события, после которых Роберт Торн начинает панически бояться усыновленного мальчика, за невинным ангельским лицом которого прячется безжалостная дьявольская сущность. 
2) Омен 2: Дэмиен (1978 г.) - Damien: Omen II. 
Семь лет прошло с того дня, как Дэмиен чудом избежал смерти от руки своего отца. Теперь ему 13, и он живет вместе со своим дядей Ричардом Торном, тетей и двоюродным братом Марком. Пока юный Антихрист познает свою чудовищную силу и как ею пользоваться, за его безопасностью следят множество служителей Дьявола, жестоко уничтожая всех неугодных. Его дядя постепенно понимает, что мальчик не так невинен как может показаться, и ему открывается чудовищная правда. Вооружившись семью древними кинжалами, Торн собирается очистить мир от самой страшной нечисти на земле, но многие пытались убить сына Сатаны, и теперь все они в могиле. Сможет ли это сделать Ричард Торн или присоединится к своим предшественникам в качестве трупа? 
3) Омен III: Последний конфликт (1981 г.) - The Final Conflict. 
Дэмиену Торну теперь 32. Стремясь к власти над всем миром он предан только себе и своему родному отцу — Сатане. Чтобы достичь своей цели, он убивает всех на своем пути — будь то друг, враг, верный слуга или любовница. Темным силам противостоит лишь поклявшийся уничтожить дьявольское отродье старый монах с семью святыми кинжалами, выкованными специально для этого дела. Но хватит ли у него сил для осуществления своего плана или умрет как все, и мир повергнется в пучину хаоса? 
4) Омен 4: Пробуждение (1991 г.) - Omen IV: The Awakening. 
Дэмиен Торн мертв, но Пророчество существует, и на свет появляется девочка по имени Дилия, которую удочеряет молодая пара Карен и Джин Йорк. Когда Карен узнает, что Дилия была рождена при загадочных обстоятельствах, она нанимает частного детектива, чтобы найти настоящих родителей девочки. Вокруг начинают происходить зловещие кровавые события, и Карен начинает бояться и подозревать всех в смертельном заговоре против нее, так же как ей становится известна адская правда о ребенке… 
5) Омен (2006 г.) - The Omen 666. 
Многие верят в то, что страшное будущее человечества начинает сбываться в наши дни. Атаки террористов, экстремальные изменения климата… Ещё чуть-чуть, и появится антихрист, который несёт на себе печать «666»: знак...

DVD. Омен. Наследие. Коллекционное издание (количество DVD дисков: 5)

Производитель: ND Play

Цена: 685.00 руб.

Сборник включает полную коллекцию фильмов: 1) Омен (1976 г.) - "The Omen". Он был рожден в 6 часов 6-го дня 6-го месяца. Как предсказано в Книге Откровений, настанет Конец света, последнее противостояние сил добра и зла, и началом его будет рождение сына Сатаны в облике человеческом. У жены американского дипломата Роберта Торна рождается мертвый ребенок, и ее муж неспособный сообщить ей эту трагическую новость, усыновляет младенца с непонятным родимым пятном в виде трех шестерок — числа зверя. Подробности рождения ребенка остаются в секрете, но со временем становится ясно, что это необычный ребенок. Вокруг постоянно, при загадочных обстоятельствах, умирают люди и происходят таинственные события, после которых Роберт Торн начинает панически бояться усыновленного мальчика, за невинным ангельским лицом которого прячется безжалостная дьявольская сущность. 2) Омен 2: Дэмиен (1978 г.) - Damien: Omen II. Семь лет прошло с того дня, как Дэмиен чудом избежал смерти от руки своего отца. Теперь ему 13, и он живет вместе со своим дядей Ричардом Торном, тетей и двоюродным братом Марком. Пока юный Антихрист познает свою чудовищную силу и как ею пользоваться, за его безопасностью следят множество служителей Дьявола, жестоко уничтожая всех неугодных. Его дядя постепенно понимает, что мальчик не так невинен как может показаться, и ему открывается чудовищная правда. Вооружившись семью древними кинжалами, Торн собирается очистить мир от самой страшной нечисти на земле, но многие пытались убить сына Сатаны, и теперь все они в могиле. Сможет ли это сделать Ричард Торн или присоединится к своим предшественникам в качестве трупа? 3) Омен III: Последний конфликт (1981 г.) - The Final Conflict. Дэмиену Торну теперь 32. Стремясь к власти над всем миром он предан только себе и своему родному отцу — Сатане. Чтобы достичь своей цели, он убивает всех на своем пути — будь то друг, враг, верный слуга или любовница. Темным силам противостоит лишь поклявшийся уничтожить дьявольское отродье старый монах с семью святыми кинжалами, выкованными специально для этого дела. Но хватит ли у него сил для осуществления своего плана или умрет как все, и мир повергнется в пучину хаоса? 4) Омен 4: Пробуждение (1991 г.) - Omen IV: The Awakening. Дэмиен Торн мертв, но Пророчество существует, и на свет появляется девочка по имени Дилия, которую удочеряет молодая пара Карен и Джин Йорк. Когда Карен узнает, что Дилия была рождена при загадочных обстоятельствах, она нанимает частного детектива, чтобы найти настоящих родителей девочки. Вокруг начинают происходить зловещие кровавые события, и Карен начинает бояться и подозревать всех в смертельном заговоре против нее, так же как ей становится известна адская правда о ребенке… 5) Омен (2006 г.) - The Omen 666. Многие верят в то, что страшное будущее человечества начинает сбываться в наши дни. Атаки террористов, экстремальные изменения климата… Ещё чуть-чуть, и появится антихрист, который несёт на себе печать «666»: знак...

Interactive is an exciting four-level course for teenagers packed from cover to cover with up-to-the-minute, stimulating content. Students are given maximum support to get them speaking and interacting in English from day one. Teachers can tailor the course to their own requirements using the wide range of materials such as Classware, DVDs, Testmaker and a premium content website with even more online extras to make learning truly 'interactive'. Interactive provides 80-90 hours of core material at each level, extendable to 180+ with the full range of components.

CD-ROM. Interactive 3 (+ Audio CD)

Производитель: Cambridge University Press

Цена: 2148.00 руб.

Interactive is an exciting four-level course for teenagers packed from cover to cover with up-to-the-minute, stimulating content. Students are given maximum support to get them speaking and interacting in English from day one. Teachers can tailor the course to their own requirements using the wide range of materials such as Classware, DVDs, Testmaker and a premium content website with even more online extras to make learning truly 'interactive'. Interactive provides 80-90 hours of core material at each level, extendable to 180+ with the full range of components.

This second edition updates a course which has proven to be a perfect fit for classes the world over. This Level 5 Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD gives teachers the flexibility to create and edit their own tests. It is extremely easy to use while also offering a range of functionality for those who like to customise more. Teachers can choose from unit tests, which can be combined in pairs, and end-of-year tests. There are also options to test the same course content at both 'standard' and 'more challenging' levels. The Testmaker can produce two versions of each test to prevent students from sharing answers. The Audio CD contains all the audio required for test listening components.

CD-ROM. English in Mind. Testmaker 5 (+ Audio CD)

Производитель: Cambridge University Press

Цена: 3220.00 руб.

This second edition updates a course which has proven to be a perfect fit for classes the world over. This Level 5 Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD gives teachers the flexibility to create and edit their own tests. It is extremely easy to use while also offering a range of functionality for those who like to customise more. Teachers can choose from unit tests, which can be combined in pairs, and end-of-year tests. There are also options to test the same course content at both 'standard' and 'more challenging' levels. The Testmaker can produce two versions of each test to prevent students from sharing answers. The Audio CD contains all the audio required for test listening components.

English Unlimited is a six-level goals-based course for adults. Centred on purposeful, real-life objectives, it prepares learners to use English independently for global communication. The English Unlimited Elementary Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD gives teachers the flexibility to create, edit, save and print their own tests. It is extremely easy to use but offers a range of functionality for those teachers who like the flexibility to adapt tests to their students' particular needs. Teachers can choose from Progress tests for each unit and skills-based Achievement tests. The Testmaker software can produce two versions of each test to prevent students from sharing answers. The Testmaker also contains all the audio required for test listening components, plus a comprehensive Placement test.

CD-ROM. English Unlimited Elementary (+ Audio CD)

Производитель: Cambridge University Press

Цена: 3344.00 руб.

English Unlimited is a six-level goals-based course for adults. Centred on purposeful, real-life objectives, it prepares learners to use English independently for global communication. The English Unlimited Elementary Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD gives teachers the flexibility to create, edit, save and print their own tests. It is extremely easy to use but offers a range of functionality for those teachers who like the flexibility to adapt tests to their students' particular needs. Teachers can choose from Progress tests for each unit and skills-based Achievement tests. The Testmaker software can produce two versions of each test to prevent students from sharing answers. The Testmaker also contains all the audio required for test listening components, plus a comprehensive Placement test.

English Unlimited is a six-level goals-based course for adults. Centred on purposeful, real-life objectives, it prepares learners to use English independently for global communication. The English Unlimited Pre-intermediate Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD gives teachers the flexibility to create, edit, save and print their own tests. It is extremely easy to use but offers a range of functionality for those teachers who like the flexibility to adapt tests to their students' particular needs. Teachers can choose from Progress tests for each unit and skills-based Achievement tests. The Testmaker software can produce two versions of each test to prevent students from sharing answers. The Testmaker also contains all the audio required for test listening components, plus a comprehensive Placement test.

CD-ROM. English Unlimited B1. Pre-intermediate (+ Audio CD)

Производитель: Cambridge University Press

Цена: 3344.00 руб.

English Unlimited is a six-level goals-based course for adults. Centred on purposeful, real-life objectives, it prepares learners to use English independently for global communication. The English Unlimited Pre-intermediate Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD gives teachers the flexibility to create, edit, save and print their own tests. It is extremely easy to use but offers a range of functionality for those teachers who like the flexibility to adapt tests to their students' particular needs. Teachers can choose from Progress tests for each unit and skills-based Achievement tests. The Testmaker software can produce two versions of each test to prevent students from sharing answers. The Testmaker also contains all the audio required for test listening components, plus a comprehensive Placement test.

English Unlimited is a six-level goals-based course for adults. Centred on purposeful, real-life objectives, it prepares learners to use English independently for global communication. The English Unlimited Intermediate Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD gives teachers the flexibility to create, edit, save and print their own tests. It is extremely easy to use but offers a range of functionality for those teachers who like the flexibility to adapt tests to their students' particular needs. Teachers can choose from Progress tests for each unit and skills-based Achievement tests. The Testmaker software can produce two versions of each test to prevent students from sharing answers. The Testmaker also contains all the audio required for test listening components, plus a comprehensive Placement test.

CD-ROM. English Unlimited B1+. Intermediate (+ Audio CD)

Производитель: Cambridge University Press

Цена: 3344.00 руб.

English Unlimited is a six-level goals-based course for adults. Centred on purposeful, real-life objectives, it prepares learners to use English independently for global communication. The English Unlimited Intermediate Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD gives teachers the flexibility to create, edit, save and print their own tests. It is extremely easy to use but offers a range of functionality for those teachers who like the flexibility to adapt tests to their students' particular needs. Teachers can choose from Progress tests for each unit and skills-based Achievement tests. The Testmaker software can produce two versions of each test to prevent students from sharing answers. The Testmaker also contains all the audio required for test listening components, plus a comprehensive Placement test.

English Unlimited is a six-level goals-based course for adults. Centred on purposeful, real-life objectives, it prepares learners to use English independently for global communication. The English Unlimited Upper Intermediate Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD gives teachers the flexibility to create, edit, save and print their own tests. It is extremely easy to use but offers a range of functionality for those teachers who like the flexibility to adapt tests to their students' particular needs. Teachers can choose from Progress tests for each unit and skills-based Achievement tests. The Testmaker software can produce two versions of each test to prevent students from sharing answers. The Testmaker also contains all the audio required for test listening components, plus a comprehensive Placement test.

CD-ROM. English Unlimited B2. Upper Intermediate (+ Audio CD)

Производитель: Cambridge University Press

Цена: 3344.00 руб.

English Unlimited is a six-level goals-based course for adults. Centred on purposeful, real-life objectives, it prepares learners to use English independently for global communication. The English Unlimited Upper Intermediate Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD gives teachers the flexibility to create, edit, save and print their own tests. It is extremely easy to use but offers a range of functionality for those teachers who like the flexibility to adapt tests to their students' particular needs. Teachers can choose from Progress tests for each unit and skills-based Achievement tests. The Testmaker software can produce two versions of each test to prevent students from sharing answers. The Testmaker also contains all the audio required for test listening components, plus a comprehensive Placement test.

The course for busy teachers who want to get their students communicating with confidence. The face2face Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD gives teachers the flexibility to create, edit, save and print their own tests. It is easy to use but offers a range of functionality for those teachers who like to adapt tests to their students' particular needs. Teachers can choose from Progress tests for each unit - and a bank of additional questions focussing on grammar, vocabulary and Real World language. The Testmaker software can produce two versions of each test to prevent students from sharing answers. The Testmaker provides all the audio required for test listening components, plus a comprehensive Placement test.

CD-ROM. Face2face Elementary (+ Audio CD)

Производитель: Cambridge University Press

Цена: 3927.00 руб.

The course for busy teachers who want to get their students communicating with confidence. The face2face Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD gives teachers the flexibility to create, edit, save and print their own tests. It is easy to use but offers a range of functionality for those teachers who like to adapt tests to their students' particular needs. Teachers can choose from Progress tests for each unit - and a bank of additional questions focussing on grammar, vocabulary and Real World language. The Testmaker software can produce two versions of each test to prevent students from sharing answers. The Testmaker provides all the audio required for test listening components, plus a comprehensive Placement test.

Communicate is a two-book video-based communication course specially written to improve listening and speaking skills for English students in upper-secondary classes. The course covers the areas such as English in the personal sphere, English at work, academic English and English in a public or social context.

CD-ROM. Communicate 1 (+ DVD)

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 1204.00 руб.

Communicate is a two-book video-based communication course specially written to improve listening and speaking skills for English students in upper-secondary classes. The course covers the areas such as English in the personal sphere, English at work, academic English and English in a public or social context.

Communicate is a two-book video-based communication course specially written to improve listening and speaking skills for English students in upper-secondary classes. The course covers the areas such as English in the personal sphere, English at work, academic English and English in a public or social context. The Teacher's Multimedia Pack includes Class CDs, DVD and extra extension notes.

DVD. Communicate 1. Teacher's Multi-ROM (+ Audio CD)

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 4842.00 руб.

Communicate is a two-book video-based communication course specially written to improve listening and speaking skills for English students in upper-secondary classes. The course covers the areas such as English in the personal sphere, English at work, academic English and English in a public or social context. The Teacher's Multimedia Pack includes Class CDs, DVD and extra extension notes.

Communicate is a two-book video-based communication course specially written to improve listening and speaking skills for English students in upper-secondary classes. The course covers the areas such as English in the personal sphere, English at work, academic English and English in a public or social context. The Teacher's Multimedia Pack includes Class CDs, DVD and extra extension notes.

DVD. Communicate 2. Teacher's Multi-ROM (+ Audio CD)

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 4842.00 руб.

Communicate is a two-book video-based communication course specially written to improve listening and speaking skills for English students in upper-secondary classes. The course covers the areas such as English in the personal sphere, English at work, academic English and English in a public or social context. The Teacher's Multimedia Pack includes Class CDs, DVD and extra extension notes.

The course for busy teachers who want to get their students communicating with confidence. Face2face Second edition Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD gives teachers the flexibility to create, edit, save and print their own tests. It is easy to use but offers a range of functionality for those teachers who like to adapt tests to their students' particular needs. Teachers can choose from Progress tests for each unit and a bank of additional questions focusing on grammar, vocabulary and Real World language. The Testmaker software can produce two versions of each test to prevent students from sharing answers. The Testmaker provides all the audio required for test listening components, plus a comprehensive Placement test.

CD-ROM. Face2face. Intermediate (+ Audio CD)

Производитель: Cambridge University Press

Цена: 3927.00 руб.

The course for busy teachers who want to get their students communicating with confidence. Face2face Second edition Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD gives teachers the flexibility to create, edit, save and print their own tests. It is easy to use but offers a range of functionality for those teachers who like to adapt tests to their students' particular needs. Teachers can choose from Progress tests for each unit and a bank of additional questions focusing on grammar, vocabulary and Real World language. The Testmaker software can produce two versions of each test to prevent students from sharing answers. The Testmaker provides all the audio required for test listening components, plus a comprehensive Placement test.

The course for busy teachers who want to get their students communicating with confidence. Face2face Second edition Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD gives teachers the flexibility to create, edit, save and print their own tests. It is easy to use but offers a range of functionality for those teachers who like to adapt tests to their students' particular needs. Teachers can choose from Progress tests for each unit and a bank of additional questions focusing on grammar, vocabulary and Real World language. The Testmaker software can produce two versions of each test to prevent students from sharing answers. The Testmaker provides all the audio required for test listening components, plus a comprehensive Placement test.

CD-ROM. Face2face. Upper Intermediate (+ Audio CD)

Производитель: Cambridge University Press

Цена: 2284.00 руб.

The course for busy teachers who want to get their students communicating with confidence. Face2face Second edition Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD gives teachers the flexibility to create, edit, save and print their own tests. It is easy to use but offers a range of functionality for those teachers who like to adapt tests to their students' particular needs. Teachers can choose from Progress tests for each unit and a bank of additional questions focusing on grammar, vocabulary and Real World language. The Testmaker software can produce two versions of each test to prevent students from sharing answers. The Testmaker provides all the audio required for test listening components, plus a comprehensive Placement test.

English Unlimited is a six-level goals-based course for adults. Centred on purposeful, real-life objectives, it prepares learners to use English independently for global communication. The English Unlimited Starter Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD gives teachers the flexibility to create, edit, save and print their own tests. It is extremely easy to use but offers a range of functionality for those teachers who like the flexibility to adapt tests to their students' particular needs. Teachers can choose from Progress tests for each unit and skills-based Achievement tests. The Testmaker software can produce two versions of each test to prevent students from sharing answers. The Testmaker also contains all the audio required for test listening components, plus a comprehensive Placement test.

CD-ROM. English Unlimited A1. Starter (+ Audio CD)

Производитель: Cambridge University Press

Цена: 3344.00 руб.

English Unlimited is a six-level goals-based course for adults. Centred on purposeful, real-life objectives, it prepares learners to use English independently for global communication. The English Unlimited Starter Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD gives teachers the flexibility to create, edit, save and print their own tests. It is extremely easy to use but offers a range of functionality for those teachers who like the flexibility to adapt tests to their students' particular needs. Teachers can choose from Progress tests for each unit and skills-based Achievement tests. The Testmaker software can produce two versions of each test to prevent students from sharing answers. The Testmaker also contains all the audio required for test listening components, plus a comprehensive Placement test.

English Unlimited is a six-level goals-based course for adults. Centred on purposeful, real-life objectives, it prepares learners to use English independently for global communication. The English Unlimited Advanced Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD gives teachers the flexibility to create, edit, save and print their own tests. It is extremely easy to use but offers a range of functionality for those teachers who like the flexibility to adapt tests to their students' particular needs. Teachers can choose from Progress tests for each unit and skills-based Achievement tests. The Testmaker software can produce two versions of each test to prevent students from sharing answers. The Testmaker also contains all the audio required for test listening components, plus a comprehensive Placement test.

CD-ROM. English Unlimited C1. Advanced (+ Audio CD)

Производитель: Cambridge University Press

Цена: 3344.00 руб.

English Unlimited is a six-level goals-based course for adults. Centred on purposeful, real-life objectives, it prepares learners to use English independently for global communication. The English Unlimited Advanced Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD gives teachers the flexibility to create, edit, save and print their own tests. It is extremely easy to use but offers a range of functionality for those teachers who like the flexibility to adapt tests to their students' particular needs. Teachers can choose from Progress tests for each unit and skills-based Achievement tests. The Testmaker software can produce two versions of each test to prevent students from sharing answers. The Testmaker also contains all the audio required for test listening components, plus a comprehensive Placement test.

Face2face Second edition is the flexible, easy-to-teach, 6-level course (A1 to C1) for busy teachers who want to get their adult and young adult learners to communicate with confidence. The Face2face Second edition Starter Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD gives teachers the flexibility to create, edit, save and print their own tests. It's easy to use and offers a range of functionality for teachers who like to adapt tests to their students' particular needs. Teachers can choose from Progress tests for each unit and a bank of additional questions focusing on grammar, vocabulary and Real World language. The Testmaker can produce two versions of each test (to prevent students from sharing answers) and provides all the audio for test listening components, plus a link to a downloadable Placement test.

CD-ROM. Face2Face. Starter (+ Audio CD)

Производитель: Cambridge University Press

Цена: 3927.00 руб.

Face2face Second edition is the flexible, easy-to-teach, 6-level course (A1 to C1) for busy teachers who want to get their adult and young adult learners to communicate with confidence. The Face2face Second edition Starter Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD gives teachers the flexibility to create, edit, save and print their own tests. It's easy to use and offers a range of functionality for teachers who like to adapt tests to their students' particular needs. Teachers can choose from Progress tests for each unit and a bank of additional questions focusing on grammar, vocabulary and Real World language. The Testmaker can produce two versions of each test (to prevent students from sharing answers) and provides all the audio for test listening components, plus a link to a downloadable Placement test.

Zur Unterrichtsvorbereitung und zur Nutzung im Unterricht an interaktiven Whiteboards.
Enthält ein interaktive Kursbuch mit integriertem Tool zur Unterrichtsvorbereitung (interaktives Lehrerhandbuch).
Umfassende Medienbibliothek mit Materialien des Lehrwerks (Bilder, Texte, Audiodateien) zur Nutzung an interaktiven Whiteboards.
Institutslizenzen auf Anfragen.

DVD. Sicher! B1+. Digitales Unterrichtspaket (количество DVD дисков: 2)

Производитель: Hueber

Цена: 4306.00 руб.

Zur Unterrichtsvorbereitung und zur Nutzung im Unterricht an interaktiven Whiteboards. Enthält ein interaktive Kursbuch mit integriertem Tool zur Unterrichtsvorbereitung (interaktives Lehrerhandbuch). Umfassende Medienbibliothek mit Materialien des Lehrwerks (Bilder, Texte, Audiodateien) zur Nutzung an interaktiven Whiteboards. Institutslizenzen auf Anfragen.

Culture View is a great extra video and cultural supplement to the day-to-day teaching. The Culture View material can be matched with any course supporting secondary teachers in their classroom. 
Culture View consists of two DVD packs; each pack contains a DVD and a CD-ROM. Each DVD pack offers 12 separate films and covers six different topic areas with a documentary and a drama sketch for each topic. 
Each accompanying CD-ROM provides photocopiable worksheets for all of the DVD material. There are worksheets at two levels: Standard and Higher and include Before, While and After you watch activities, role-play activities and projects.

DVD. Culture View 1 (+ CD-ROM)

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 3448.00 руб.

Culture View is a great extra video and cultural supplement to the day-to-day teaching. The Culture View material can be matched with any course supporting secondary teachers in their classroom. Culture View consists of two DVD packs; each pack contains a DVD and a CD-ROM. Each DVD pack offers 12 separate films and covers six different topic areas with a documentary and a drama sketch for each topic. Each accompanying CD-ROM provides photocopiable worksheets for all of the DVD material. There are worksheets at two levels: Standard and Higher and include Before, While and After you watch activities, role-play activities and projects.

Culture View is a great extra video and cultural supplement to the day-to-day teaching. The Culture View material can be matched with any course supporting secondary teachers in their classroom. 
Culture View consists of two DVD packs; each pack contains a DVD and a CD-ROM. Each DVD pack offers 12 separate films and covers six different topic areas with a documentary and a drama sketch for each topic. 
Each accompanying CD-ROM provides photocopiable worksheets for all of the DVD material. There are worksheets at two levels: Standard and Higher and include Before, While and After you watch activities, role-play activities and projects.

DVD. Culture View 2 (+ CD-ROM)

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 3448.00 руб.

Culture View is a great extra video and cultural supplement to the day-to-day teaching. The Culture View material can be matched with any course supporting secondary teachers in their classroom. Culture View consists of two DVD packs; each pack contains a DVD and a CD-ROM. Each DVD pack offers 12 separate films and covers six different topic areas with a documentary and a drama sketch for each topic. Each accompanying CD-ROM provides photocopiable worksheets for all of the DVD material. There are worksheets at two levels: Standard and Higher and include Before, While and After you watch activities, role-play activities and projects.

DVD. Geni@L Klick: Arbeitsbuch A2

Производитель: Klett

Цена: 1732.00 руб.

Отобрано товаров 91
(c) nzrv.ru
