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Macmillan Publishers
Высота 43

Audio CD. Macmillan English 3. Language Book (количество CD дисков: 2)

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 4186.00 руб.

A uniquely flexible course for adults and young adults. Move has a carefully-graded communicative syllabus that helps students to express themselves through English. It is ideal for short intensive courses or long courses with fewer teaching hours.

Audio CD. Move Advanced (количество CD дисков: 2)

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 4186.00 руб.

A uniquely flexible course for adults and young adults. Move has a carefully-graded communicative syllabus that helps students to express themselves through English. It is ideal for short intensive courses or long courses with fewer teaching hours.

Уровень Elementary является второй ступенью изучения курса английского языка Straightforward во втором издании Second Edition, что соответствует международному уровню A2. Данная ступень обучения предлагает ознакомиться с грамматическими правилами, к примеру: исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные, употребление “some”, “any”, “how much / how many”, “too”, модальные глаголы “should”, “must” и их производные, повелительные наклонения, превосходные и сравнительные степени, отглагольные формы. Продолжается изучение временных групп Present Simple, Past Simple и Present Continuous, а также вводится новая тема Present Perfect. Словарный запас обогащается новой лексикой различной тематики: семья, обустройство дома, погода, праздники, искусство, виды транспорта и транспортные связи, одежда, части тела, виды занятости и многие другие темы. В заданиях рабочей тетради, отрабатываются полезные навыки письменной речи, например: “A personal e-massage”, “Giving directions”, “Phone messages”, “Describing a holiday”.

Audio CD. Straightforward. Elementary (количество CD дисков: 2)

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 343.00 руб.

Уровень Elementary является второй ступенью изучения курса английского языка Straightforward во втором издании Second Edition, что соответствует международному уровню A2. Данная ступень обучения предлагает ознакомиться с грамматическими правилами, к примеру: исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные, употребление “some”, “any”, “how much / how many”, “too”, модальные глаголы “should”, “must” и их производные, повелительные наклонения, превосходные и сравнительные степени, отглагольные формы. Продолжается изучение временных групп Present Simple, Past Simple и Present Continuous, а также вводится новая тема Present Perfect. Словарный запас обогащается новой лексикой различной тематики: семья, обустройство дома, погода, праздники, искусство, виды транспорта и транспортные связи, одежда, части тела, виды занятости и многие другие темы. В заданиях рабочей тетради, отрабатываются полезные навыки письменной речи, например: “A personal e-massage”, “Giving directions”, “Phone messages”, “Describing a holiday”.

The Way Ahead 3 Story Audio CD contains all the audio recordings of the 'Reading for Pleasure' pages from the Pupil's Book and each of the Level 3 Way Ahead Readers.

Audio CD. Way Ahead 3 Story (количество CD дисков: 2)

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 1790.00 руб.

The Way Ahead 3 Story Audio CD contains all the audio recordings of the 'Reading for Pleasure' pages from the Pupil's Book and each of the Level 3 Way Ahead Readers.

The Camel Club by bestselling sensation David Baldacci is the exciting first instalment of a breathtaking series.
The Camel Club: a group of conspiracy theorists led by the mysterious Oliver Stone, who camp outside the White House. Their goal - to expose corruption at the upper echelons of US government.
The stakes are raised when the group witness the murder of an intelligence analyst. A murder the authorities seem intent on writing off as suicide. Looking at the case more closely provokes more questions than answers.
Joining forces with Secret Service Agent Alex Ford, the Camel Club prepare to shine a spotlight on a conspiracy that reaches into the heart of Washington's corridors of power. In doing so, Ford finds out that his worst nightmare is about to happen.
The Camel Club is followed by The Collectors, Stone Cold, Divine Justice and Hell's Corner.

The Camel Club

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 924.00 руб.

The Camel Club by bestselling sensation David Baldacci is the exciting first instalment of a breathtaking series. The Camel Club: a group of conspiracy theorists led by the mysterious Oliver Stone, who camp outside the White House. Their goal - to expose corruption at the upper echelons of US government. The stakes are raised when the group witness the murder of an intelligence analyst. A murder the authorities seem intent on writing off as suicide. Looking at the case more closely provokes more questions than answers. Joining forces with Secret Service Agent Alex Ford, the Camel Club prepare to shine a spotlight on a conspiracy that reaches into the heart of Washington's corridors of power. In doing so, Ford finds out that his worst nightmare is about to happen. The Camel Club is followed by The Collectors, Stone Cold, Divine Justice and Hell's Corner.

Based on the success of the original edition, The Business 2.0 continues to offer Business English students the confidence, language and fundamentals skills they need to succeed in the competitive international business environment. Based on feedback from users, research into business English studies and the ever-evolving needs of employers The Business 2.0 has been improved in a number of ways. There is a strong focus on the 'intangible' business skills - emotional intelligence and interpersonal abilities. So not only is the student prepared with the business language and knowledge but also as a well-rounded and receptive approach to dealing professionally with others. The Business eWorkbook - an integral part of the course on a personal computer or laptop. This includes extra language practice, tests and word lists, and audio and video you can download to a tablet, phone or MP3 player for on-the-go learning. This replaces the DVD-ROM from the first edition and new videos for the Advanced and Upper Intermediate level offer good/bad models for the final speaking task, including commentaries by a communications expert.

Audio CD. The Business 2.0. Pre-intermediate (количество CD дисков: 2)

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 2988.00 руб.

Based on the success of the original edition, The Business 2.0 continues to offer Business English students the confidence, language and fundamentals skills they need to succeed in the competitive international business environment. Based on feedback from users, research into business English studies and the ever-evolving needs of employers The Business 2.0 has been improved in a number of ways. There is a strong focus on the 'intangible' business skills - emotional intelligence and interpersonal abilities. So not only is the student prepared with the business language and knowledge but also as a well-rounded and receptive approach to dealing professionally with others. The Business eWorkbook - an integral part of the course on a personal computer or laptop. This includes extra language practice, tests and word lists, and audio and video you can download to a tablet, phone or MP3 player for on-the-go learning. This replaces the DVD-ROM from the first edition and new videos for the Advanced and Upper Intermediate level offer good/bad models for the final speaking task, including commentaries by a communications expert.

A fast-paced, multi-level business English course for professional adults, In Company systematically develops key language skills through motivating activities that reflect the real world of modern business.

Audio CD. In Company. Upper Intermediate. Class CDs (количество CD дисков: 2)

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 479.00 руб.

A fast-paced, multi-level business English course for professional adults, In Company systematically develops key language skills through motivating activities that reflect the real world of modern business.

Уровень Intermediate является четвертой ступенью курса английского языка Straightforward во втором издании Second Edition, что соответствует международному уровню B1. На этом этапе обучения предстоит освоить следующие грамматические правила: глаголы статики и динамики, вопросительные формы к субъекту или объекту, модальности долженствования разрешающие и запрещающие, степени сравнения существительных, придаточные предложения нереальных условий, артикли, слова, выражающие количество, косвенная речь, причинно обусловленный залог, вопросительные и утвердительные формы + инфинитив. Грамматика времен представлена темами предыдущего уровня: Present Simple & Present Continuous, Present Perfect & Past Simple, а также, вводятся новые группы - Past Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous, будущие формы Future 1, Future 2. Новая лексика представлена различными темами: психология, путешествия, трудовые будни, необычные дома, интерьеры, масс-медиа, общественные организации, интернет торговля, мировые тайны, олимпийские игры, материальные ценности. Речевые навыки развиваются при помощи заданий из раздела “Speaking”, например: “Discussing what people are most likely to lie about”, “Describing daily routines”, “Talking about daily transport in a city you know well”, “Discussing important life events” и многих других.

Audio CD. Straightforward. Intermediate (количество CD дисков: 2)

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 343.00 руб.

Уровень Intermediate является четвертой ступенью курса английского языка Straightforward во втором издании Second Edition, что соответствует международному уровню B1. На этом этапе обучения предстоит освоить следующие грамматические правила: глаголы статики и динамики, вопросительные формы к субъекту или объекту, модальности долженствования разрешающие и запрещающие, степени сравнения существительных, придаточные предложения нереальных условий, артикли, слова, выражающие количество, косвенная речь, причинно обусловленный залог, вопросительные и утвердительные формы + инфинитив. Грамматика времен представлена темами предыдущего уровня: Present Simple & Present Continuous, Present Perfect & Past Simple, а также, вводятся новые группы - Past Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous, будущие формы Future 1, Future 2. Новая лексика представлена различными темами: психология, путешествия, трудовые будни, необычные дома, интерьеры, масс-медиа, общественные организации, интернет торговля, мировые тайны, олимпийские игры, материальные ценности. Речевые навыки развиваются при помощи заданий из раздела “Speaking”, например: “Discussing what people are most likely to lie about”, “Describing daily routines”, “Talking about daily transport in a city you know well”, “Discussing important life events” и многих других.

Уровень Pre-Intermediate является третьей ступенью курса английского языка Straightforward во втором издании Second Edition, что соответствует международному уровню A2 - B1. На данном этапе представлена грамматика по темам: вопросительные формы, с использованием “to be” и других глаголов, употребление “used to”, предлоги времени и места, сравнительные и превосходные степени, обстоятельства места, времени и образа действия, пассивный залог, модальные глаголы, относительные положения, формы предположения (may, might, will, maybe, probably, etc). В учебнике изучаются группы времен Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Simple, будущие формы с употреблением “will”. Новая лексика представлена в темах различного содержания: семья и друзья, образование, школьные предметы, дома, города, свадьбы, отели, работа, компьютеры, спорт, одежда, праздники, фильмы, фитнес. В заданиях учебника отрабатываются полезные разговорные навыки, к примеру: “giving instructions”, “at the doctor’s”, “in a clothes shop”, “agreeing & disagreeing”, “asking for information”, “directions”, “telling stories”, “invitations & suggestions” и во многих других заданиях.

Audio CD. Straightforward. Pre-Intermediate (количество CD дисков: 2)

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 343.00 руб.

Уровень Pre-Intermediate является третьей ступенью курса английского языка Straightforward во втором издании Second Edition, что соответствует международному уровню A2 - B1. На данном этапе представлена грамматика по темам: вопросительные формы, с использованием “to be” и других глаголов, употребление “used to”, предлоги времени и места, сравнительные и превосходные степени, обстоятельства места, времени и образа действия, пассивный залог, модальные глаголы, относительные положения, формы предположения (may, might, will, maybe, probably, etc). В учебнике изучаются группы времен Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Simple, будущие формы с употреблением “will”. Новая лексика представлена в темах различного содержания: семья и друзья, образование, школьные предметы, дома, города, свадьбы, отели, работа, компьютеры, спорт, одежда, праздники, фильмы, фитнес. В заданиях учебника отрабатываются полезные разговорные навыки, к примеру: “giving instructions”, “at the doctor’s”, “in a clothes shop”, “agreeing & disagreeing”, “asking for information”, “directions”, “telling stories”, “invitations & suggestions” и во многих других заданиях.

Heads You Win is the incredible and thrilling novel by the master storyteller and bestselling author of the Clifton Chronicles and Kane and Abel, Jeffrey Archer.Leningrad, Russia, 1968. From an early age it is clear that Alexander Karpenko is destined to lead his countrymen. But when his father is assassinated by the KGB for defying the state, Alexander and his mother will have to escape Russia if they hope to survive. At the docks, they have an irreversible choice: board a container ship bound for America or one bound for Great Britain. Alexander leaves the choice to a toss of a coin...
In a single moment, a double twist decides Alexander's future. During an epic tale, spanning two continents and thirty years, we follow Alexander through triumph and defeat as he sets out on parallel lives, as Alex in New York and Sasha in London. As this unique story unfolds, both come to realize that to find their destiny they must face the past they left behind as Alexander in Russia.
With a final twist that will shock even his most ardent fans, this is international number one bestseller Jeffrey Archer's most ambitious and creative work since Kane and Abel.

Heads You Win

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 912.00 руб.

Heads You Win is the incredible and thrilling novel by the master storyteller and bestselling author of the Clifton Chronicles and Kane and Abel, Jeffrey Archer.Leningrad, Russia, 1968. From an early age it is clear that Alexander Karpenko is destined to lead his countrymen. But when his father is assassinated by the KGB for defying the state, Alexander and his mother will have to escape Russia if they hope to survive. At the docks, they have an irreversible choice: board a container ship bound for America or one bound for Great Britain. Alexander leaves the choice to a toss of a coin... In a single moment, a double twist decides Alexander's future. During an epic tale, spanning two continents and thirty years, we follow Alexander through triumph and defeat as he sets out on parallel lives, as Alex in New York and Sasha in London. As this unique story unfolds, both come to realize that to find their destiny they must face the past they left behind as Alexander in Russia. With a final twist that will shock even his most ardent fans, this is international number one bestseller Jeffrey Archer's most ambitious and creative work since Kane and Abel.

he Seven Sisters is a sweeping epic tale of love and loss by the international number one bestseller Lucinda Riley. 
Maia D'Apliese and her five sisters gather together at their childhood home - a fabulous, secluded castle situated on the shores of Lake Geneva - having been told that their beloved adoptive father, the elusive billionaire they call Pa Salt, has died.
Each of them is handed a tantalising clue to their true heritage - a clue which takes Maia across the world to a crumbling mansion in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil...
Eighty years earlier, in the Belle Epoque of Rio, 1927, Izabela Bonifacio's father has aspirations for his daughter to marry into aristocracy. But Izabela longs for adventure, and convinces him to allow her to accompany the family of a renowned architect on a trip to Paris. In the heady, vibrant streets of Montparnasse, she meets ambitious young sculptor Laurent Brouilly, and knows at once that her life will never be the same again.

The Seven Sisters

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 992.00 руб.

he Seven Sisters is a sweeping epic tale of love and loss by the international number one bestseller Lucinda Riley. Maia D'Apliese and her five sisters gather together at their childhood home - a fabulous, secluded castle situated on the shores of Lake Geneva - having been told that their beloved adoptive father, the elusive billionaire they call Pa Salt, has died. Each of them is handed a tantalising clue to their true heritage - a clue which takes Maia across the world to a crumbling mansion in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil... Eighty years earlier, in the Belle Epoque of Rio, 1927, Izabela Bonifacio's father has aspirations for his daughter to marry into aristocracy. But Izabela longs for adventure, and convinces him to allow her to accompany the family of a renowned architect on a trip to Paris. In the heady, vibrant streets of Montparnasse, she meets ambitious young sculptor Laurent Brouilly, and knows at once that her life will never be the same again.

Some Luck is the first novel in the dazzling Last Hundred Years trilogy from the winner of the Pulitzer Prize Jane Smiley; a literary adventure that will spans a century in America.
1920. After his return from the battlefields in France, Walter Langdon and his wife Rosanna begin their life together on a remote farm in Iowa. As time passes, their little family will grow: from Frank, the handsome, wilful first-born, to Joe, whose love of animals and the land sustains him; from Lillian, beloved by her mother, to Henry who craves only the world of his books; and Claire, the surprise baby, who earns a special place in her father's heart.
As Walter and Rosanna struggle to keep their family through good years and hard years - to years more desperate than they ever could have imagined, the world around their little farm will turn, and life for their children will be unrecognizable from what came before. Some will fall in love, some will have families of their own, some will go to war and some will not survive. All will mark history in their own way.
Tender, compelling and moving from the 1920s to the 1950s, told in multiple voices as rich as the Iowan soil, Some Luck is an astonishing feat of storytelling by a prize-winning author writing at the height of her powers.

Some Luck

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 592.00 руб.

Some Luck is the first novel in the dazzling Last Hundred Years trilogy from the winner of the Pulitzer Prize Jane Smiley; a literary adventure that will spans a century in America. 1920. After his return from the battlefields in France, Walter Langdon and his wife Rosanna begin their life together on a remote farm in Iowa. As time passes, their little family will grow: from Frank, the handsome, wilful first-born, to Joe, whose love of animals and the land sustains him; from Lillian, beloved by her mother, to Henry who craves only the world of his books; and Claire, the surprise baby, who earns a special place in her father's heart. As Walter and Rosanna struggle to keep their family through good years and hard years - to years more desperate than they ever could have imagined, the world around their little farm will turn, and life for their children will be unrecognizable from what came before. Some will fall in love, some will have families of their own, some will go to war and some will not survive. All will mark history in their own way. Tender, compelling and moving from the 1920s to the 1950s, told in multiple voices as rich as the Iowan soil, Some Luck is an astonishing feat of storytelling by a prize-winning author writing at the height of her powers.

A Minute to Midnight is the next gripping instalment in Special Agent Atlee Pine's search for the truth from one of the world's most favourite thriller writers, David Baldacci. "My sister was abducted from here nearly thirty years ago. The person who took her was never found. And neither was she. Her abductor nearly killed me. So I'm back here now trying to find the truth". Atlee Pine has spent most of her life trying to find out what happened that fateful night in Andersonville, Georgia. Her six year old twin sister, Mercy, was taken and Atlee was left for dead while their parents were apparently partying downstairs. One person who continues to haunt her is notorious serial killer Daniel James Tor, locked away in a Colorado maximum security prison. Does he really know what happened to Mercy? The family moved away. The parents divorced. And Atlee chose a career with the FBI dedicating her life to catching those who hurt others. When she oversteps the mark on the arrest of a dangerous criminal, she's given a leave of absence offering the perfect opportunity to return to where it all began, and find some answers. But the trip to Andersonville turns into a roller-coaster ride of murder, long-buried secrets and lies. And a revelation so personal that everything she once believed is fast turning to dust.

A Minute to Midnight

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 469.00 руб.

A Minute to Midnight is the next gripping instalment in Special Agent Atlee Pine's search for the truth from one of the world's most favourite thriller writers, David Baldacci. "My sister was abducted from here nearly thirty years ago. The person who took her was never found. And neither was she. Her abductor nearly killed me. So I'm back here now trying to find the truth". Atlee Pine has spent most of her life trying to find out what happened that fateful night in Andersonville, Georgia. Her six year old twin sister, Mercy, was taken and Atlee was left for dead while their parents were apparently partying downstairs. One person who continues to haunt her is notorious serial killer Daniel James Tor, locked away in a Colorado maximum security prison. Does he really know what happened to Mercy? The family moved away. The parents divorced. And Atlee chose a career with the FBI dedicating her life to catching those who hurt others. When she oversteps the mark on the arrest of a dangerous criminal, she's given a leave of absence offering the perfect opportunity to return to where it all began, and find some answers. But the trip to Andersonville turns into a roller-coaster ride of murder, long-buried secrets and lies. And a revelation so personal that everything she once believed is fast turning to dust.

Global is a new six-level general English course for adult learners. It is an information-rich course, sophisticated in both presentation and approach. It has international appeal, combining challenging content, intelligent topics and cross-cultural awareness. It features none of the celebrity-driven lifestyle content often found in typical general English courses for adults. The Global approach is fully aware of the needs of today's learner's, and places an emphasis on effective communication in English between both native and non-native speakers. Global helps users to learn English, to learn about English and to learn through English, and is the ideal course for students who want to communicate in a global environment.

Audio CD. Global. Upper Intermediate (количество CD дисков: 2)

Производитель: Азур

Цена: 3575.00 руб.

Global is a new six-level general English course for adult learners. It is an information-rich course, sophisticated in both presentation and approach. It has international appeal, combining challenging content, intelligent topics and cross-cultural awareness. It features none of the celebrity-driven lifestyle content often found in typical general English courses for adults. The Global approach is fully aware of the needs of today's learner's, and places an emphasis on effective communication in English between both native and non-native speakers. Global helps users to learn English, to learn about English and to learn through English, and is the ideal course for students who want to communicate in a global environment.

"The Wheel of Time" turns and Ages come and go, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth returns again. In the Third Age, an Age of Prophecy, the World and Time themselves hang in the balance. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow.
For centuries, gleemen have told the tales of The Great Hunt of the Horn. So many tales about each of the Hunters, and so many Hunters to tell of... Now the Horn itself is found: the Horn of Valere long thought only legend, the Horn which will raise the dead heroes of the ages. And it is stolen.

The Great Hunt. The Wheel of Time. Book Two

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 724.00 руб.

"The Wheel of Time" turns and Ages come and go, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth returns again. In the Third Age, an Age of Prophecy, the World and Time themselves hang in the balance. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow. For centuries, gleemen have told the tales of The Great Hunt of the Horn. So many tales about each of the Hunters, and so many Hunters to tell of... Now the Horn itself is found: the Horn of Valere long thought only legend, the Horn which will raise the dead heroes of the ages. And it is stolen.

The first volume in the Chronicles of the Fallers, The Abyss Beyond Dreams by Peter F. Hamilton, is an exceptional novel exploring the mystery at the heart of the Commonwealth Universe. Fitting between the events of the Commonwealth Saga and the Void Trilogy, The Abyss Beyond Dreams is the first in an expansive duology, from the master of space opera.
To save their civilization he must destroy it...
When images of a lost civilization are "dreamed" by a self-proclaimed prophet of the age, Nigel Sheldon, inventor of wormhole technology and creator of the Commonwealth society, is asked to investigate. Especially as the dreams seem to be coming from the Void - a mysterious area of living space monitored and controlled because of its hugely destructive capabilities. With it being the greatest threat to the known universe, Nigel is committed to finding out what really lies within the Void and if there's any truth to the visions they've received. Does human life really exist inside it's boundary?
But when Nigel crash lands inside the Void, on a planet he didn't even know existed, he finds so much more than he expected. Bienvenido: a world populated by the ancestors of survivors from Commonwealth colony ships that disappeared centuries ago. Since then they've been fighting an increasingly desperate battle against the Fallers, a space-born predator artificially evolved to conquer worlds. Their sole purpose is to commit genocide against every species they encounter. With their powerful telepathic lure that tempts any who stray across their path to a slow and painful death they are by far the greatest threat to humanity's continued existence on this planet.
But Nigel soon realizes that the Fallers also hold the key to something he'd never hoped to find - the destruction of the Void itself. If only he can survive long enough to work out how to use it...
Continue the adventure with the second in the duology, Night Without Stars.

The Abyss Beyond Dreams

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 760.00 руб.

The first volume in the Chronicles of the Fallers, The Abyss Beyond Dreams by Peter F. Hamilton, is an exceptional novel exploring the mystery at the heart of the Commonwealth Universe. Fitting between the events of the Commonwealth Saga and the Void Trilogy, The Abyss Beyond Dreams is the first in an expansive duology, from the master of space opera. To save their civilization he must destroy it... When images of a lost civilization are "dreamed" by a self-proclaimed prophet of the age, Nigel Sheldon, inventor of wormhole technology and creator of the Commonwealth society, is asked to investigate. Especially as the dreams seem to be coming from the Void - a mysterious area of living space monitored and controlled because of its hugely destructive capabilities. With it being the greatest threat to the known universe, Nigel is committed to finding out what really lies within the Void and if there's any truth to the visions they've received. Does human life really exist inside it's boundary? But when Nigel crash lands inside the Void, on a planet he didn't even know existed, he finds so much more than he expected. Bienvenido: a world populated by the ancestors of survivors from Commonwealth colony ships that disappeared centuries ago. Since then they've been fighting an increasingly desperate battle against the Fallers, a space-born predator artificially evolved to conquer worlds. Their sole purpose is to commit genocide against every species they encounter. With their powerful telepathic lure that tempts any who stray across their path to a slow and painful death they are by far the greatest threat to humanity's continued existence on this planet. But Nigel soon realizes that the Fallers also hold the key to something he'd never hoped to find - the destruction of the Void itself. If only he can survive long enough to work out how to use it... Continue the adventure with the second in the duology, Night Without Stars.

Lucky Santangelo is back with a vengeance - in a novel full of power, passion, revenge, and the raging family dynamics of the Santangelo clan and, as always, Lucky comes out on top!

Goddess of Vengeance

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 654.00 руб.

Lucky Santangelo is back with a vengeance - in a novel full of power, passion, revenge, and the raging family dynamics of the Santangelo clan and, as always, Lucky comes out on top!

On the red moon will come the firestorm... Wielding the Sword of Truth, Richard Rahl has battled death itself and come to the defense of the D'Haran people. But now the power-mad Emperor Jagang confronts Richard with a swift and inexorable foe: a mystical plague cutting a deadly swath across the land and slaying thousands of innocent victims. To quench the inferno, he must seek remedy in the wind... To fight it Richard and his beloved Kahlan Amnell will risk everything to uncover the source of the terrible plague the magic sealed away for three millennia in the Temple of the Winds. Lightning will find him on that path... But when prophecy throws the shadow of betrayal across their mission and threatens to destroy them, Richard must accept the Truth and find a way to pay the price the winds demand... or he and his world will perish.

Temple of the Winds

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 825.00 руб.

On the red moon will come the firestorm... Wielding the Sword of Truth, Richard Rahl has battled death itself and come to the defense of the D'Haran people. But now the power-mad Emperor Jagang confronts Richard with a swift and inexorable foe: a mystical plague cutting a deadly swath across the land and slaying thousands of innocent victims. To quench the inferno, he must seek remedy in the wind... To fight it Richard and his beloved Kahlan Amnell will risk everything to uncover the source of the terrible plague the magic sealed away for three millennia in the Temple of the Winds. Lightning will find him on that path... But when prophecy throws the shadow of betrayal across their mission and threatens to destroy them, Richard must accept the Truth and find a way to pay the price the winds demand... or he and his world will perish.

Set during the outbreak of the Second World War, "Night Over Water" is about a perilous journey across the Atlantic to escape Britain, from the number one bestseller and master of the historical thriller, Ken Follett.
The Eve of War.
Britain has just declared war against Nazi Germany. In Southampton, the world's most luxurious airliner, the Pan American Clipper, takes off on it's final flight to neutral New York - a haven for those fleeing the conflict.
A Disparate Group Flees.
The passengers aboard the plane each have their own reasons for leaving Britain. Amongst them are an English aristocrat fleeing with his family and a fortune in jewels; a German scientist running away from the Nazis; a murderer returning under FBI escort; a wife escaping her controlling husband; and a devious thief determined to keep his spoils.
A Journey into Danger.
Trapped on the plane, with only their fellow passengers for company, their journey over the Atlantic becomes increasingly fraught. Especially when it becomes apparent a plot is unfolding that may endanger all of their lives...

Night Over Water

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 768.00 руб.

Set during the outbreak of the Second World War, "Night Over Water" is about a perilous journey across the Atlantic to escape Britain, from the number one bestseller and master of the historical thriller, Ken Follett. The Eve of War. Britain has just declared war against Nazi Germany. In Southampton, the world's most luxurious airliner, the Pan American Clipper, takes off on it's final flight to neutral New York - a haven for those fleeing the conflict. A Disparate Group Flees. The passengers aboard the plane each have their own reasons for leaving Britain. Amongst them are an English aristocrat fleeing with his family and a fortune in jewels; a German scientist running away from the Nazis; a murderer returning under FBI escort; a wife escaping her controlling husband; and a devious thief determined to keep his spoils. A Journey into Danger. Trapped on the plane, with only their fellow passengers for company, their journey over the Atlantic becomes increasingly fraught. Especially when it becomes apparent a plot is unfolding that may endanger all of their lives...

In Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, Mary is the middle of the five Bennet girls and the plainest of them all, so what hope does she have? Prim and pious, with no redeeming features, she is unloved and seemingly unlovable.
"The Other Bennet Sister", though, shows another side to Mary. An introvert in a family of extroverts; a constant disappointment to her mother who values beauty above all else; fearful of her father's sharp tongue; with little in common with her siblings - is it any wonder she turns to books for both company and guidance? And, if she finds her life lonely or lacking, that she determines to try harder at the one thing she can be: right.
One by one, her sisters marry - Jane and Lizzy for love; Lydia for some semblance of respectability - but Mary, it seems, is destined to remain single and live out her life at Longbourn, at least until her father dies and the house is bequeathed to the reviled Mr Collins.
But when that fateful day finally comes, she slowly discovers that perhaps there is hope for her, after all.
Simultaneously a wonderfully warm homage to Jane Austen and a delightful new story in its own right, Janice Hadlow's The Other Bennet Sister is, at it's heart, a life-affirming tale of a young woman finding her place in the world. Witty and uplifting, it will make you feel and cheer - for Mary as you never have before.

The Other Bennet Sister

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 785.00 руб.

In Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, Mary is the middle of the five Bennet girls and the plainest of them all, so what hope does she have? Prim and pious, with no redeeming features, she is unloved and seemingly unlovable. "The Other Bennet Sister", though, shows another side to Mary. An introvert in a family of extroverts; a constant disappointment to her mother who values beauty above all else; fearful of her father's sharp tongue; with little in common with her siblings - is it any wonder she turns to books for both company and guidance? And, if she finds her life lonely or lacking, that she determines to try harder at the one thing she can be: right. One by one, her sisters marry - Jane and Lizzy for love; Lydia for some semblance of respectability - but Mary, it seems, is destined to remain single and live out her life at Longbourn, at least until her father dies and the house is bequeathed to the reviled Mr Collins. But when that fateful day finally comes, she slowly discovers that perhaps there is hope for her, after all. Simultaneously a wonderfully warm homage to Jane Austen and a delightful new story in its own right, Janice Hadlow's The Other Bennet Sister is, at it's heart, a life-affirming tale of a young woman finding her place in the world. Witty and uplifting, it will make you feel and cheer - for Mary as you never have before.

Отобрано товаров 21
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