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Macmillan Publishers
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A 4-level course for secondary and for schools with fewer contact hours (2-3 per week). It starts at A1 and ends at B1. The course will meet different sales and marketing needs primarily in our CEE markets (incl. Russia and Turkey, Kazakhstan and Ukraine) and will be treated as replacement/alternative to Smash and Tempo. Some markets will be looking to reach out to new segments of secondary, others will be targeting whole new markets that we're not present in, and finally, just having an alternative course for this segment to take to our customers is seen as a welcome opportunity to increase Macmillan's market share in lower secondary. The course is a version of the Spanish ESO course Interface and offers a solid and well-paced approach to teaching grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and the four skills in equal balance and with emphasis on mixed abilities. The material stands out with its thorough and comprehensive grammar.

Motivate 1. Workbook (+ Audio CD)

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 2759.00 руб.

A 4-level course for secondary and for schools with fewer contact hours (2-3 per week). It starts at A1 and ends at B1. The course will meet different sales and marketing needs primarily in our CEE markets (incl. Russia and Turkey, Kazakhstan and Ukraine) and will be treated as replacement/alternative to Smash and Tempo. Some markets will be looking to reach out to new segments of secondary, others will be targeting whole new markets that we're not present in, and finally, just having an alternative course for this segment to take to our customers is seen as a welcome opportunity to increase Macmillan's market share in lower secondary. The course is a version of the Spanish ESO course Interface and offers a solid and well-paced approach to teaching grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and the four skills in equal balance and with emphasis on mixed abilities. The material stands out with its thorough and comprehensive grammar.

Пособия "People Like Us" и "People Like Us, Too" знакомят учащихся и студентов с реальными людьми из разных стран мира, в том числе и из России, традициями и национальными ценностями, нормами речевого и неречевого поведения, этикетом - всем тем, что составляет понятие "культура". Задания пособий "People Like Us" и "People Like Us, Too" помогут учащимся и студентам не только усовершенствовать свои знания современного английского языка, но и сформировать представление об особенностях своей собственной национальной культуры в контексте мировых культур. Пособия "People Like Us" и "People Like Us, Too" способствует развитию навыков, необходимых для успешного межкультурного общения, формирования этнической и национальной толерантности. Пособия "People Like Us" и "People Like Us, Too" могут быть использованы в школах и вузах как гуманитарного, так и социально-экономического профиля.

People Like Us, Too Student's Book (+ CD-ROM)

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 3381.00 руб.

Пособия "People Like Us" и "People Like Us, Too" знакомят учащихся и студентов с реальными людьми из разных стран мира, в том числе и из России, традициями и национальными ценностями, нормами речевого и неречевого поведения, этикетом - всем тем, что составляет понятие "культура". Задания пособий "People Like Us" и "People Like Us, Too" помогут учащимся и студентам не только усовершенствовать свои знания современного английского языка, но и сформировать представление об особенностях своей собственной национальной культуры в контексте мировых культур. Пособия "People Like Us" и "People Like Us, Too" способствует развитию навыков, необходимых для успешного межкультурного общения, формирования этнической и национальной толерантности. Пособия "People Like Us" и "People Like Us, Too" могут быть использованы в школах и вузах как гуманитарного, так и социально-экономического профиля.

Way Ahead – шестиуровневый курс английского языка, реализующий личностно-ориентированный подход в обучении детей младшего и среднего школьного возраста. Тематика, содержание упражнений и типы заданий составлены с учетом интересов ребенка, его возрастных (физических и психологических) особенностей.
Особенности курса:
- решение проблемы преемственности между начальной и средней школой;
- реализация принципа межпредметных связей: большое количество текстов разнообразной тематики и разных жанров, развивающих и обогащающих личность учащегося;
- наличие аудио и мультимедийного сопровождения, позволяющего развивать компенсаторные умения и навыки учащегося;
- четкая организация работы учащихся с учебным материалом.

New Way Ahead 1. Pupil's Book Pack (+ CD-ROM)

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 3296.00 руб.

Way Ahead – шестиуровневый курс английского языка, реализующий личностно-ориентированный подход в обучении детей младшего и среднего школьного возраста. Тематика, содержание упражнений и типы заданий составлены с учетом интересов ребенка, его возрастных (физических и психологических) особенностей. Особенности курса: - решение проблемы преемственности между начальной и средней школой; - реализация принципа межпредметных связей: большое количество текстов разнообразной тематики и разных жанров, развивающих и обогащающих личность учащегося; - наличие аудио и мультимедийного сопровождения, позволяющего развивать компенсаторные умения и навыки учащегося; - четкая организация работы учащихся с учебным материалом.

The Grammar Goals Pupil's Book packs include a Pupil's Book and a CD-ROM. Each full colour Grammar Goals Pupil’s Book has 10 units per level plus a two-page exam practice & writing development section and reference material. The Grammar Workout CD-ROM includes interactive grammar activities that support the material covered in each unit.

Grammar Goals Level 2 Pupil's Book Pack

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 3470.00 руб.

The Grammar Goals Pupil's Book packs include a Pupil's Book and a CD-ROM. Each full colour Grammar Goals Pupil’s Book has 10 units per level plus a two-page exam practice & writing development section and reference material. The Grammar Workout CD-ROM includes interactive grammar activities that support the material covered in each unit.

English World is a visually stunning ten-level course which will take children through from Primary to Secondary. Written by the authors of best-sellers Way Ahead and Macmillan English, English World combines best practice methodology with innovative new features for the modern classroom.
The presentation of new vocabulary is supported by flashcards which can also be used for classroom games and activities to encourage learning.

English World 1 Flashcards

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 8308.00 руб.

English World is a visually stunning ten-level course which will take children through from Primary to Secondary. Written by the authors of best-sellers Way Ahead and Macmillan English, English World combines best practice methodology with innovative new features for the modern classroom. The presentation of new vocabulary is supported by flashcards which can also be used for classroom games and activities to encourage learning.

Written and designed by leading science educators, these books form the basis for active, enquiry-based classroom learning. They are in full colour throughout and match the requirements for the Cambridge Primary Science curriculum framework. Each topic is introduced through engaging activities designed to stimulate creative scientific thinking. Whole class teaching is focused on firmly embedding the concepts through active individual, pair and group activities and carefully scaffolded learning. Units end with checklists and consolidation sections to ensure learners understand the key concepts.

Max Science primary. Discovering through Enquiry. Student Book 1

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 3176.00 руб.

Written and designed by leading science educators, these books form the basis for active, enquiry-based classroom learning. They are in full colour throughout and match the requirements for the Cambridge Primary Science curriculum framework. Each topic is introduced through engaging activities designed to stimulate creative scientific thinking. Whole class teaching is focused on firmly embedding the concepts through active individual, pair and group activities and carefully scaffolded learning. Units end with checklists and consolidation sections to ensure learners understand the key concepts.

Helping students prepare for the world of work, this two-level series focuses on systematically developing their communicative abilities so they increase their empolyment opportunities and have the confideance to use English in the workplace. Key Features: - Carefully graded materials that do not assume students are familiar with the world of work, - A focus on developing listening and speaking skills in business situations, - Set in a workplace context with characters students can relate to, - Viewpoints sections in which a variety of speakers talk about aspects of culture and business, - Ongoing project tasks that allow students to use the language studied to develop their own professional and company profile, - A supportive Teacher's Book with expansion ideas, tests and supplementary photocopiable activities.

Get Ready for Business 1 Teacher Book

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 2458.00 руб.

Helping students prepare for the world of work, this two-level series focuses on systematically developing their communicative abilities so they increase their empolyment opportunities and have the confideance to use English in the workplace. Key Features: - Carefully graded materials that do not assume students are familiar with the world of work, - A focus on developing listening and speaking skills in business situations, - Set in a workplace context with characters students can relate to, - Viewpoints sections in which a variety of speakers talk about aspects of culture and business, - Ongoing project tasks that allow students to use the language studied to develop their own professional and company profile, - A supportive Teacher's Book with expansion ideas, tests and supplementary photocopiable activities.

IELTS Introduction Teacher's Book provides a comprehensive teacher's guide to IELTS Introduction Student's Book and meets the needs of students training towards the IELTS band 3-4.

IELTS Introduction. Teacher's Book

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 3558.00 руб.

IELTS Introduction Teacher's Book provides a comprehensive teacher's guide to IELTS Introduction Student's Book and meets the needs of students training towards the IELTS band 3-4.

English World is a 10-level course created by the best-selling authors of titles such as Way Ahead and Macmillan English. It offers a unique blend of first-language learning and teaching methodology combined with the needs of the non-native student.
The Workbook offers extended practice with additional student support on the Workbook CD-ROM, including student audio material, the pronunciation chart with activities, and interactive games.

English World 7. Workbook (+ CD-ROM)

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 1405.00 руб.

English World is a 10-level course created by the best-selling authors of titles such as Way Ahead and Macmillan English. It offers a unique blend of first-language learning and teaching methodology combined with the needs of the non-native student. The Workbook offers extended practice with additional student support on the Workbook CD-ROM, including student audio material, the pronunciation chart with activities, and interactive games.

English World is a 10-level course created by the best-selling authors of titles such as Way Ahead and Macmillan English. It offers a unique blend of first-language learning and teaching methodology combined with the needs of the non-native student.
The Workbook offers extended practice with additional student support on the Workbook CD-ROM, including student audio material, the pronunciation chart with activities, and interactive games.

English World 8. Workbook Pack (+ CD-ROM)

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 2103.00 руб.

English World is a 10-level course created by the best-selling authors of titles such as Way Ahead and Macmillan English. It offers a unique blend of first-language learning and teaching methodology combined with the needs of the non-native student. The Workbook offers extended practice with additional student support on the Workbook CD-ROM, including student audio material, the pronunciation chart with activities, and interactive games.

Here Comes Super Bus 2 Activity Book

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 246.00 руб.

Contributed articles presented at an International Workshop on High Capacity Bus Systems held in New Delhi in January 2002; with special reference to India.

Brilliant 4 Pupil's Book

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 457.00 руб.

Contributed articles presented at an International Workshop on High Capacity Bus Systems held in New Delhi in January 2002; with special reference to India.

Way Ahead получил высокую оценку Федерального Экспертного Совета МО РФ и допущен к использованию в школах (классах) с углубленным изучением английского языка в качестве учебного пособия (Письмо Министерства образования РФ № 13-58-2130/17 от 03.07.02, Вестник Образования России №4/2003, с. 72, 74). Way Ahead имеет целый ряд достоинств: сбалансированное обучение всем видам речевой деятельности, обучение грамматике на визуальной основе по образцу, отработка не только отдельных звуков, но и ритма и интонации иноязычной речи, учет принципа посильности и доступности при формировании языковых навы& ков и развитии всех видов речевой деятельности. Достоинством УМК является его многокомплектность и профессионально-методическая оснащенность.

New Way Ahead 4 Workbook

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 944.00 руб.

Way Ahead получил высокую оценку Федерального Экспертного Совета МО РФ и допущен к использованию в школах (классах) с углубленным изучением английского языка в качестве учебного пособия (Письмо Министерства образования РФ № 13-58-2130/17 от 03.07.02, Вестник Образования России №4/2003, с. 72, 74). Way Ahead имеет целый ряд достоинств: сбалансированное обучение всем видам речевой деятельности, обучение грамматике на визуальной основе по образцу, отработка не только отдельных звуков, но и ритма и интонации иноязычной речи, учет принципа посильности и доступности при формировании языковых навы& ков и развитии всех видов речевой деятельности. Достоинством УМК является его многокомплектность и профессионально-методическая оснащенность.

Rising Star provides thorough and appropriate preparation for an FCE course through a combination of stimulating material and systematic practice.
Key features:
• Introduces and practises all parts of the FCE
• Focus on development of vocabulary and phrasal verbs
• Comprehensive grammar syllabus
• Systematic skills practice
• Special emphasis on writing skills
• Topics appeal to teenage learners
• Grammar reference and phrasal verb dictionary
The course consists of a Student's Book, Practice Book (with key and without key editions), Teacher's Book (includes tests) and Cassettes.

Rising Star. A Pre-First Certificate Course. Practice Book with key

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 260.00 руб.

Rising Star provides thorough and appropriate preparation for an FCE course through a combination of stimulating material and systematic practice. Key features: • Introduces and practises all parts of the FCE • Focus on development of vocabulary and phrasal verbs • Comprehensive grammar syllabus • Systematic skills practice • Special emphasis on writing skills • Topics appeal to teenage learners • Grammar reference and phrasal verb dictionary The course consists of a Student's Book, Practice Book (with key and without key editions), Teacher's Book (includes tests) and Cassettes.

- Provides motivating content in a format that is easy for both teachers and students to use
- All lessons include a balance of language and skills work, and the different sections on the page are clearly labelled so that students know exactly what they are focusing on at each moment
- 12 topics per level, each containing skills work, contextualised grammar activities, vocabulary development exercises and functional language lessons
- Includes new multimedia CD-ROM for self-study. Complete with grammar and vocabulary reference provides invaluable learning support.

Straightforward Intermediate Student's Book (+ CD-ROM)

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 1844.00 руб.

- Provides motivating content in a format that is easy for both teachers and students to use - All lessons include a balance of language and skills work, and the different sections on the page are clearly labelled so that students know exactly what they are focusing on at each moment - 12 topics per level, each containing skills work, contextualised grammar activities, vocabulary development exercises and functional language lessons - Includes new multimedia CD-ROM for self-study. Complete with grammar and vocabulary reference provides invaluable learning support.

All work covered in the Pupil’s Book is reinforced by exercises in the workbook. These are designed to be introduced and explained by the teacher and then to be completed independently, either in the classroom or for homework. They allow children to work at their own pace, which gives teachers the opportunity to see what children can achieve when working alone.

English World 2. Workbook

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 1702.00 руб.

All work covered in the Pupil’s Book is reinforced by exercises in the workbook. These are designed to be introduced and explained by the teacher and then to be completed independently, either in the classroom or for homework. They allow children to work at their own pace, which gives teachers the opportunity to see what children can achieve when working alone.

Reinforces and extends the language, concepts and skills from the Pupil's Book. In this title, the activities recycle and extend language, providing extensive writing practice and additional activities. Designed for use after children have completed the relevant Pupil's Book lesson, it can be used in class or for homework.

Learning Stars Level 2 Activity Book

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 1277.00 руб.

Reinforces and extends the language, concepts and skills from the Pupil's Book. In this title, the activities recycle and extend language, providing extensive writing practice and additional activities. Designed for use after children have completed the relevant Pupil's Book lesson, it can be used in class or for homework.

Основная цель интенсивного экспресс-курса Encounters. English here and now - помочь тем, кто работает с иностранными гостями и туристами во время проведения различных международных мероприятий. Курс идеально подойдет для людей, которые работают в таких сферах, как туризм, медицина, транспорт, предприятия общественного питания и торговли, гостиницы и отели, а также службы быстрого реагирования.

Encounters. English Here and Now. Elementary. Student's Book

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 1153.00 руб.

Основная цель интенсивного экспресс-курса Encounters. English here and now - помочь тем, кто работает с иностранными гостями и туристами во время проведения различных международных мероприятий. Курс идеально подойдет для людей, которые работают в таких сферах, как туризм, медицина, транспорт, предприятия общественного питания и торговли, гостиницы и отели, а также службы быстрого реагирования.

Modern lessons are based on a comprehensive skills and grammar syllabus where English is as academic as it is communicative. Extending beyond just learning a language, Academy Stars prepares students for success on a local and global scale.

Academy Stars Level 4 Workbook

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 1549.00 руб.

Modern lessons are based on a comprehensive skills and grammar syllabus where English is as academic as it is communicative. Extending beyond just learning a language, Academy Stars prepares students for success on a local and global scale.

Designed for 6-12 year olds, Macmillan Science follows current best practice in science education and is written by leading authors of primary science resources in the UK. Through stimulating content and carefully graded activities and exercises, pupils are guided to develop a sound framework of scientific knowledge and understanding.

Macmillan Science 4. Teacher's Book + Student eBook Pack

Производитель: Macmillan Publishers

Цена: 2162.00 руб.

Designed for 6-12 year olds, Macmillan Science follows current best practice in science education and is written by leading authors of primary science resources in the UK. Through stimulating content and carefully graded activities and exercises, pupils are guided to develop a sound framework of scientific knowledge and understanding.

Отобрано товаров 35
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