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Einführung in Konzeption und Aufbau des Lehrwerks - viele kreative Vorschläge für einen abwechslungsreichen Unterricht - unterrichtspraktische Hinweise und methodische Tipps - Kopiervorlagen mit Spielen und Übungen - Tests zu jeder Lektion in zwei Versionen A und B - Lösungen und Transkriptionen von Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch.

Beste Freunde A1.2: Deutsch für Jugendliche.Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Lehrerhandbuch

Производитель: ARVATO MEDIA GmbH IMP

Цена: 1382.00 руб.

Einführung in Konzeption und Aufbau des Lehrwerks - viele kreative Vorschläge für einen abwechslungsreichen Unterricht - unterrichtspraktische Hinweise und methodische Tipps - Kopiervorlagen mit Spielen und Übungen - Tests zu jeder Lektion in zwei Versionen A und B - Lösungen und Transkriptionen von Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch.

A desolate moor, a diabolical dog, and some inbred locals—Sherlock Holmes is really up against it. With the help of his trusty sidekick Dr. Watson, Holmes pieces together a mystery that has captured the imagination of readers across the decades—all while practicing a serious coffee and cocaine habit.

Hound of the Baskervilles

Производитель: Pulp Classics

Цена: 425.00 руб.

A desolate moor, a diabolical dog, and some inbred locals—Sherlock Holmes is really up against it. With the help of his trusty sidekick Dr. Watson, Holmes pieces together a mystery that has captured the imagination of readers across the decades—all while practicing a serious coffee and cocaine habit.

Wilhelm Hauff was a writer of extraordinary fancy and invention, but working for a more obvious purpose, and producing narratives more related in character to popular legends. He was born in 1802, at Stuttgard, and in early life showed a great predilection for telling childish narratives. Being designed for the theological profession, he went to the University of Tubingen in 1820.
On leaving the university, Hauff became tutor to the children of the Wiirttemberg minister of war, General Ernst Eugen Freiherr von Hugel, and for them wrote his Tales, which he published in his Almanack of Tales for the year 1826.
Only a few of his famous tales take place in Germany, among them the Nose, the Dwarf and The Cold Heart.
Hauff needs only to be known to become popular in any country. His works, which are somewhat numerous, were published in a complete edition by the poet Gustav Schwab, in 1830.
Wilhelm Hauff died in 1827, before he had completed his twenty-sixth year.

The Cold Heart and Nose, the Dwarf. Two German Tales

Производитель: Mondial (издательство)

Цена: 520.00 руб.

Wilhelm Hauff was a writer of extraordinary fancy and invention, but working for a more obvious purpose, and producing narratives more related in character to popular legends. He was born in 1802, at Stuttgard, and in early life showed a great predilection for telling childish narratives. Being designed for the theological profession, he went to the University of Tubingen in 1820. On leaving the university, Hauff became tutor to the children of the Wiirttemberg minister of war, General Ernst Eugen Freiherr von Hugel, and for them wrote his Tales, which he published in his Almanack of Tales for the year 1826. Only a few of his famous tales take place in Germany, among them the Nose, the Dwarf and The Cold Heart. Hauff needs only to be known to become popular in any country. His works, which are somewhat numerous, were published in a complete edition by the poet Gustav Schwab, in 1830. Wilhelm Hauff died in 1827, before he had completed his twenty-sixth year.

ONE of the few advantages that India has over England is a great Knowability. After five years' service a man is directly or indirectly acquainted with the two or three hundred Civilians in his Province, all the Messes of ten or twelve Regiments and Batteries, and some fifteen hundred other people of the non-official caste. In ten years his knowledge should be doubled, and at the end of twenty he knows, or knows something about, every Englishman in the Empire, and may travel anywhere and everywhere without paying hotel-bills.

The Phantom Rickshaw

Производитель: Wildside

Цена: 954.00 руб.

ONE of the few advantages that India has over England is a great Knowability. After five years' service a man is directly or indirectly acquainted with the two or three hundred Civilians in his Province, all the Messes of ten or twelve Regiments and Batteries, and some fifteen hundred other people of the non-official caste. In ten years his knowledge should be doubled, and at the end of twenty he knows, or knows something about, every Englishman in the Empire, and may travel anywhere and everywhere without paying hotel-bills.

UNDINE is the name of the water maiden whose story you will read as you turn the leaves of this little book.
Undine is beautiful as the dawn stealing across the waters, beautiful as the spray of the crystal waves.
Yet when she comes to earth she comes to seek for that without which her beauty will be for ever cold, cold and chill as the surge of the salt, salt sea.
Look deep into her blue eyes and you will see why her beauty is so cold, so chill.
In the eyes of every mortal you may see a soul. In the gay blue eyes of Undine, look you long and never so deep, no soul will look forth to meet your gaze.
Love, joy, sorrow, these are the pearls that shine in the eyes of every mortal. But in the eyes of the water maiden there is no gleam of love, no sparkle of joy, no tear of sorrow.
Undine has come to earth to seek for a soul. Without one she may never know the golden gifts God has given to each mortal, gifts these of love, joy, sorrow.
You will read in this little book how Undine, the water maiden, won for herself a human soul.


Производитель: Serenity

Цена: 675.00 руб.

UNDINE is the name of the water maiden whose story you will read as you turn the leaves of this little book. Undine is beautiful as the dawn stealing across the waters, beautiful as the spray of the crystal waves. Yet when she comes to earth she comes to seek for that without which her beauty will be for ever cold, cold and chill as the surge of the salt, salt sea. Look deep into her blue eyes and you will see why her beauty is so cold, so chill. In the eyes of every mortal you may see a soul. In the gay blue eyes of Undine, look you long and never so deep, no soul will look forth to meet your gaze. Love, joy, sorrow, these are the pearls that shine in the eyes of every mortal. But in the eyes of the water maiden there is no gleam of love, no sparkle of joy, no tear of sorrow. Undine has come to earth to seek for a soul. Without one she may never know the golden gifts God has given to each mortal, gifts these of love, joy, sorrow. You will read in this little book how Undine, the water maiden, won for herself a human soul.

The books will showcase the best paintings and sculptures of the period and present rarely seen gems from provincial museums and museums of former Soviet republics. Each book opens with an expert article on the subject. Images are organised in chronological order, displaying a wide variety of artistic styles from Impressionism and Post-Impressionism to Socialist Realism, Severe Style and Neorealism.

The Landscapes

Производитель: Unicorn publishers

Цена: 6227.00 руб.

The books will showcase the best paintings and sculptures of the period and present rarely seen gems from provincial museums and museums of former Soviet republics. Each book opens with an expert article on the subject. Images are organised in chronological order, displaying a wide variety of artistic styles from Impressionism and Post-Impressionism to Socialist Realism, Severe Style and Neorealism.

The books will showcase the best paintings and sculptures of the period and present rarely seen gems from provincial museums and museums of former Soviet republics. Each book opens with an expert article on the subject. Images are organised in chronological order, displaying a wide variety of artistic styles from Impressionism and Post-Impressionism to Socialist Realism, Severe Style and Neorealism.

Art of the Soviet Union. Portraits

Производитель: Unicorn publishers

Цена: 5940.00 руб.

The books will showcase the best paintings and sculptures of the period and present rarely seen gems from provincial museums and museums of former Soviet republics. Each book opens with an expert article on the subject. Images are organised in chronological order, displaying a wide variety of artistic styles from Impressionism and Post-Impressionism to Socialist Realism, Severe Style and Neorealism.

St. Petersburg: Rus muz, 2018. The Russian Museum has taken a cue from the venue of this year's World Cup to create a broad exhibition of 350 works from its collection, the Hermitage, and private collections that show how Russian artists of the twentieth century took up the subject of sport with zeal. Some works depict the joy and striving in simple clean forms reminiscent in tone to ancient Greek vase-painting, while others exploited or were commissioned to propagandistic side of sport, touting it as a form of secular military training and a way to keep up stamiina for long days at the factory. The Soviet government as the main patron of the arts for most of the twentieth century sought to show its people that athletics meant grace, strength, and enjoyment and made the new Soviet man and woman fit for work in the field or factory and for defense of the country.

Sport in Soviet Porcelain, graphic arts and sculpture

Производитель: Palace Edition

Цена: 3559.00 руб.

St. Petersburg: Rus muz, 2018. The Russian Museum has taken a cue from the venue of this year's World Cup to create a broad exhibition of 350 works from its collection, the Hermitage, and private collections that show how Russian artists of the twentieth century took up the subject of sport with zeal. Some works depict the joy and striving in simple clean forms reminiscent in tone to ancient Greek vase-painting, while others exploited or were commissioned to propagandistic side of sport, touting it as a form of secular military training and a way to keep up stamiina for long days at the factory. The Soviet government as the main patron of the arts for most of the twentieth century sought to show its people that athletics meant grace, strength, and enjoyment and made the new Soviet man and woman fit for work in the field or factory and for defense of the country.

Comme l'on sait, aucune artère parisienne ne porte le nom de Robespierre, passé à la postérité comme l'archétype du monstre. Sans l'absoudre ni l'accabler, mais en le suivant pas à pas à travers chacune de ses prises de position politiques, Jean-Clément Martin montre que cette réputation a été fabriquée par les Thermidoriens. Après avoir abattu le «tyran», ils voulurent en effet se dédouaner de leur propre recours à la violence d'État. Ainsi, les 10 et 11 thermidor, qui voient l'exécution de «l'Incorruptible» et d'une centaine de révolutionnaires, servent à imputer au premier la seule responsabilité de la «Terreur». Non seulement cette accusation a réécrit l'histoire de la Révolution, mais elle continue à s'imposer encore à nous. Une démonstration sans faille et un livre à l'image de Robespierre: éminemment politique.
Jean-Clément Martin, Professeur émérite à l'université Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, ancien directeur de l'Institut d'histoire de la Révolution française, a notamment publié La Guerre de Vendée, La Machine à fantasmes et, chez Perrin, la Nouvelle Histoire de la Révolution française.


Производитель: Perrin

Цена: 2912.00 руб.

Comme l'on sait, aucune artère parisienne ne porte le nom de Robespierre, passé à la postérité comme l'archétype du monstre. Sans l'absoudre ni l'accabler, mais en le suivant pas à pas à travers chacune de ses prises de position politiques, Jean-Clément Martin montre que cette réputation a été fabriquée par les Thermidoriens. Après avoir abattu le «tyran», ils voulurent en effet se dédouaner de leur propre recours à la violence d'État. Ainsi, les 10 et 11 thermidor, qui voient l'exécution de «l'Incorruptible» et d'une centaine de révolutionnaires, servent à imputer au premier la seule responsabilité de la «Terreur». Non seulement cette accusation a réécrit l'histoire de la Révolution, mais elle continue à s'imposer encore à nous. Une démonstration sans faille et un livre à l'image de Robespierre: éminemment politique. Jean-Clément Martin, Professeur émérite à l'université Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, ancien directeur de l'Institut d'histoire de la Révolution française, a notamment publié La Guerre de Vendée, La Machine à fantasmes et, chez Perrin, la Nouvelle Histoire de la Révolution française.

Nuevo Suena 1 esta dirigido a aquellos estudiantes que se acercan por primera vez al espanol. El libro esta compuesto de 10 lecciones, divididas en dos ambitos cada una, y de forma gradual se van ampliando los contextos funcionales. En cada leccion se trabajan de forma integrada los contenidos funcionales, gramaticales y lexicos, si bien incluye un apartado especifico para la fonetica, ademas de una tarea donde se integran diversos contenidos del ambito. Se practica con ejercicios de diversa tipologia, que permiten el desarrollo de las cuatro destrezas. Cada ambito termina con un Esquema Gramatical, donde se resume el contenido fundamental de lo aprendido. Al final de la leccion se incluye el apartado Maneras de Vivir (destinado a la cultura y costumbres de Espana e Hispanoamerica) y cada tres lecciones se ofrece una Recapitulacion. El manual se cierra con un Glosario con una seleccion del lexico estudiado, traducido al ingles, frances, aleman, italiano y portugues (con la variante brasilena). El Libro del Alumno incluye dos CD con las audiciones de los ejercicios audio. Suena 1 se corresponde con los niveles A1-A2 del Marco comun europeo de referencia.

Nuevo Sueña 1. Libro del Alumno (+ CD-ROM)

Производитель: Nuevo Sue?a

Цена: 5382.00 руб.

Nuevo Suena 1 esta dirigido a aquellos estudiantes que se acercan por primera vez al espanol. El libro esta compuesto de 10 lecciones, divididas en dos ambitos cada una, y de forma gradual se van ampliando los contextos funcionales. En cada leccion se trabajan de forma integrada los contenidos funcionales, gramaticales y lexicos, si bien incluye un apartado especifico para la fonetica, ademas de una tarea donde se integran diversos contenidos del ambito. Se practica con ejercicios de diversa tipologia, que permiten el desarrollo de las cuatro destrezas. Cada ambito termina con un Esquema Gramatical, donde se resume el contenido fundamental de lo aprendido. Al final de la leccion se incluye el apartado Maneras de Vivir (destinado a la cultura y costumbres de Espana e Hispanoamerica) y cada tres lecciones se ofrece una Recapitulacion. El manual se cierra con un Glosario con una seleccion del lexico estudiado, traducido al ingles, frances, aleman, italiano y portugues (con la variante brasilena). El Libro del Alumno incluye dos CD con las audiciones de los ejercicios audio. Suena 1 se corresponde con los niveles A1-A2 del Marco comun europeo de referencia.

Now it's Christmas Eve, The most exciting night of the year. Who's that hiding in the chimney? Yes, Santa Claus is here! This humorous and interactive lift-the-flap book tells the rhyming story of the magical events at Santa's workshop in the countdown to Christmas Eve. Children can lift the flaps to discover new text and hidden images, as if they are exploring the world in which the story unfolds. This lift-the-flap narrative is an ideal way for young children to practise their literacy and hand-eye coordination skills.

Who's That Hiding In The Chimney?

Производитель: Salariya

Цена: 864.00 руб.

Now it's Christmas Eve, The most exciting night of the year. Who's that hiding in the chimney? Yes, Santa Claus is here! This humorous and interactive lift-the-flap book tells the rhyming story of the magical events at Santa's workshop in the countdown to Christmas Eve. Children can lift the flaps to discover new text and hidden images, as if they are exploring the world in which the story unfolds. This lift-the-flap narrative is an ideal way for young children to practise their literacy and hand-eye coordination skills.

Excitement reigns as the animals at the Zoo decorate their homes in anticipation of an upcoming visit from Santa Claus. The special 10th Anniversary edition of this award-winning book from Jumping Jack Press is a Zoo-rific retelling of the classic Night Before Christmas tale!

Christmas At The Zoo

Производитель: Jumping Jack Press

Цена: 2427.00 руб.

Excitement reigns as the animals at the Zoo decorate their homes in anticipation of an upcoming visit from Santa Claus. The special 10th Anniversary edition of this award-winning book from Jumping Jack Press is a Zoo-rific retelling of the classic Night Before Christmas tale!

Who enjoys having their ears washed? Little Rabbit doesn't like the idea, but it turns out to be not so bad after all. 
But he does need our help. When the dryer breaks, we have to blow his ears dry. Wfffff! Again! Now wrap him in the towel and bathtime is over. Squeaky clean, Little Rabbit! 
This follow-up to the bestselling Tickle My Ears is another perfectly simple interactive board book that invites the reader to take charge of bathtime: turn on the shower, cover Little Rabbit's eyes, wipe the water off his nose, and rub him dry.

Bathtime for Little Rabbit

Производитель: TBS(Bounce Mix)

Цена: 1141.00 руб.

Who enjoys having their ears washed? Little Rabbit doesn't like the idea, but it turns out to be not so bad after all. But he does need our help. When the dryer breaks, we have to blow his ears dry. Wfffff! Again! Now wrap him in the towel and bathtime is over. Squeaky clean, Little Rabbit! This follow-up to the bestselling Tickle My Ears is another perfectly simple interactive board book that invites the reader to take charge of bathtime: turn on the shower, cover Little Rabbit's eyes, wipe the water off his nose, and rub him dry.

A woolly dog bounces into the playroom with no name and no home. But worst of all, he says he has never had a birthday! Luckily, Old Bear and the other toys are bursting with brilliant birthday ideas for their new-found friend. A brand new paperback edition of the beautifully-illustrated classic picture book from popular author-illustrator Jane Hissey.


Производитель: Salariya

Цена: 1067.00 руб.

A woolly dog bounces into the playroom with no name and no home. But worst of all, he says he has never had a birthday! Luckily, Old Bear and the other toys are bursting with brilliant birthday ideas for their new-found friend. A brand new paperback edition of the beautifully-illustrated classic picture book from popular author-illustrator Jane Hissey.

When a strange package arrives in the nursery, everyone is puzzled. What on earth could it be? Little Bear is sure it's full of treasure, but Duck has his doubts. It's probably empty, he grumbles. But when the box speaks, it is clear that something much more exciting than treasure is inside. A beautiful brand new edition of Jane Hissey's classic playroom adventure, Jolly Tall.

Jolly Tall

Производитель: Salariya

Цена: 1791.00 руб.

When a strange package arrives in the nursery, everyone is puzzled. What on earth could it be? Little Bear is sure it's full of treasure, but Duck has his doubts. It's probably empty, he grumbles. But when the box speaks, it is clear that something much more exciting than treasure is inside. A beautiful brand new edition of Jane Hissey's classic playroom adventure, Jolly Tall.

Numbers are fun with Little Bear and all his friends. Jane Hissey's classic illustrations, simple text, and the numbers one to ten appearing on every page provide a perfect companion for children who are learning to count.

Little Bear's Numbers

Производитель: Salariya

Цена: 762.00 руб.

Numbers are fun with Little Bear and all his friends. Jane Hissey's classic illustrations, simple text, and the numbers one to ten appearing on every page provide a perfect companion for children who are learning to count.

Ever wondered what the first weapons were made from, or how the ancient Mongol warriors defeated the great armies of China? 
Famous battles, brave generals, and ingenious weapons all come alive in this exciting illustrated book. Tracing the history of warriors from the Stone Age all the way up to the Crusades, fascinating facts and insights from the battlefield are revealed alongside illustrations by Joe Lillington.

Ancient Warriors

Производитель: Flying Eye

Цена: 1964.00 руб.

Ever wondered what the first weapons were made from, or how the ancient Mongol warriors defeated the great armies of China? Famous battles, brave generals, and ingenious weapons all come alive in this exciting illustrated book. Tracing the history of warriors from the Stone Age all the way up to the Crusades, fascinating facts and insights from the battlefield are revealed alongside illustrations by Joe Lillington.

The history of boats is intertwined with our own - since the earliest times, humans have found ways to cross the bodies of water that cut them off from further exploration and expansion. From the woven rafts of ancient Mesopotamia, to Native American log canoes, through to Dutch merchant ships and onwards to today's modern sailing hydrofoils, trace the fascinating story of boats and their place in our culture.

Boats. Fast and Slow

Производитель: Flying Eye

Цена: 3305.00 руб.

The history of boats is intertwined with our own - since the earliest times, humans have found ways to cross the bodies of water that cut them off from further exploration and expansion. From the woven rafts of ancient Mesopotamia, to Native American log canoes, through to Dutch merchant ships and onwards to today's modern sailing hydrofoils, trace the fascinating story of boats and their place in our culture.

Little Prince and Princess discover the world as all toddlers do. Shy and excitied, they explore school for the first time. With the help of the fun and recognisable sounds on each page, toddlers will easily relate to these royal stories.

Prince and princess go to school

Производитель: Yoyo Books

Цена: 2046.00 руб.

Little Prince and Princess discover the world as all toddlers do. Shy and excitied, they explore school for the first time. With the help of the fun and recognisable sounds on each page, toddlers will easily relate to these royal stories.

Hidden in a remote place surrounded by high mountains, there lies a secret valley. There is an entrance, but you could pass by it a hundred times and still not see it... 
It's autumn in the hidden valley and there's a sense of change in the air. Ticky is about to fly away to warmer places, and Yula is painting him a farewell gift. But when Yula draws, she loses all sense of the world around her... Welcome to Carles Porta's beautifully imagined world, where tiny onion-headed ballerinas dance among multicoloured autumn leaves, and new friends are found in the strangest ways.

The Artists

Производитель: Flying Eye

Цена: 2101.00 руб.

Hidden in a remote place surrounded by high mountains, there lies a secret valley. There is an entrance, but you could pass by it a hundred times and still not see it... It's autumn in the hidden valley and there's a sense of change in the air. Ticky is about to fly away to warmer places, and Yula is painting him a farewell gift. But when Yula draws, she loses all sense of the world around her... Welcome to Carles Porta's beautifully imagined world, where tiny onion-headed ballerinas dance among multicoloured autumn leaves, and new friends are found in the strangest ways.

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