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Вниманию читателей предлагается полный, неадаптированный текст двух известных сборников сказок Оскара Уайльда "Счастливый принц" (1888) и "Гранатовый домик" (1891). Издание рассчитано на лиц, приступающих к изучению английского языка и совершенствующих свои навыки в нём.

Счастлив.принц и друг.рассказы.The Happy Prince


Цена: 284.00 руб.

Вниманию читателей предлагается полный, неадаптированный текст двух известных сборников сказок Оскара Уайльда "Счастливый принц" (1888) и "Гранатовый домик" (1891). Издание рассчитано на лиц, приступающих к изучению английского языка и совершенствующих свои навыки в нём.

The head of the family Henry Fellows could not anticipate the outcome of a venture that his wife intended for entertainment. How many mysteries could a simple jewelry box contain? How much pain, fear or secrecy could his family members conceal? The novel is intended for fans of thrilling melodramas in the style of "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Bronte. The scene is laid in England in XIX century.


Производитель: Интернациональный Союз писателей

Цена: 525.00 руб.

The head of the family Henry Fellows could not anticipate the outcome of a venture that his wife intended for entertainment. How many mysteries could a simple jewelry box contain? How much pain, fear or secrecy could his family members conceal? The novel is intended for fans of thrilling melodramas in the style of "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Bronte. The scene is laid in England in XIX century.

This board book is the perfect first introduction to Alice. Babies and toddlers will love the playful and quirky characters Alison Jay brings to life with her own unique perspective. Alice, the White Rabbit, the Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter are all represented here.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Производитель: Flying Eye

Цена: 935.00 руб.

This board book is the perfect first introduction to Alice. Babies and toddlers will love the playful and quirky characters Alison Jay brings to life with her own unique perspective. Alice, the White Rabbit, the Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter are all represented here.

In 1978 Luigi Ghirri self-published his first book, an avant-garde manifesto for the medium of photography and a landmark in his own remarkable oeuvre. Kodachrome has long been out of print and on the 20th anniversary of Ghirri's death, MACK is proud to publish the second edition. "Ghirri fights to maintain our ability to see. His works are powerful devices for the re-education of the gaze. They alter the perception we have of the world without proposing a single path to follow, rather they provide us with the tools we need to find the one we're looking for".


Производитель: MACK books

Цена: 3058.00 руб.

In 1978 Luigi Ghirri self-published his first book, an avant-garde manifesto for the medium of photography and a landmark in his own remarkable oeuvre. Kodachrome has long been out of print and on the 20th anniversary of Ghirri's death, MACK is proud to publish the second edition. "Ghirri fights to maintain our ability to see. His works are powerful devices for the re-education of the gaze. They alter the perception we have of the world without proposing a single path to follow, rather they provide us with the tools we need to find the one we're looking for".

Kinder haben viele Fragen und erkunden mit Neugier die Welt. Projekte bieten den perfekten Rahmen, um diesem Forscherdrang nachzugehen. Mit dieser kompakten Ideensammlung zu den beliebtesten Themen von Kita-Kindern wird jedes Projekt ein Erfolg. Hier finden Sie viele spannende Angebote zu den zehn beliebten Themen: Farbe, Wasser, Wetter, Wiese, Sinne, Körper, Wald, Jahreszeiten, Essen sowie Erde, Steine, Sand.
Jedes Projekt berücksichtigt alle Bildungsbereiche mit Experimenten, Wahrnehmungs und Bewegungsspielen, Entspannungsübungen, Musik, Mal und Bastelideen, Gedichten und vielem mehr. Die Angebote lassen sich bei Bedarf auch außerhalb des Projektes einsetzen - so finden Sie hier noch dazu attraktive und leicht umsetzbare Ideen für jeden Kita-Tag.

Projektarbeit zu Kita-Kinder-Lieblingsthemen. Wasser, Wetter, Wiese & Co

Производитель: Cornelsen discount 1

Цена: 2256.00 руб.

Kinder haben viele Fragen und erkunden mit Neugier die Welt. Projekte bieten den perfekten Rahmen, um diesem Forscherdrang nachzugehen. Mit dieser kompakten Ideensammlung zu den beliebtesten Themen von Kita-Kindern wird jedes Projekt ein Erfolg. Hier finden Sie viele spannende Angebote zu den zehn beliebten Themen: Farbe, Wasser, Wetter, Wiese, Sinne, Körper, Wald, Jahreszeiten, Essen sowie Erde, Steine, Sand. Jedes Projekt berücksichtigt alle Bildungsbereiche mit Experimenten, Wahrnehmungs und Bewegungsspielen, Entspannungsübungen, Musik, Mal und Bastelideen, Gedichten und vielem mehr. Die Angebote lassen sich bei Bedarf auch außerhalb des Projektes einsetzen - so finden Sie hier noch dazu attraktive und leicht umsetzbare Ideen für jeden Kita-Tag.

Discover the spellbinding magic of Swan Lake. Trapped by an evil sorcerer in the body of a swan, how will Princess Odette ever escape? Visit the magical woodland clearing to find Prince Siegfried, be mesmerised by cygnets dancing on the lake, and watch as Odette battles the evil sorcerer for her freedom. Press the note on every page to hear the story come to life with music from Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake, then listen to all the sounds again at the back of the book!

The Story Orchestra. Swan Lake

Производитель: Quarto Group

Цена: 1859.00 руб.

Discover the spellbinding magic of Swan Lake. Trapped by an evil sorcerer in the body of a swan, how will Princess Odette ever escape? Visit the magical woodland clearing to find Prince Siegfried, be mesmerised by cygnets dancing on the lake, and watch as Odette battles the evil sorcerer for her freedom. Press the note on every page to hear the story come to life with music from Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake, then listen to all the sounds again at the back of the book!

Join Hare and Mouse in their search for a new home. With ingenious peek-a-book pages, discover who is living in the leaves, in the holes in trees and under the ground. This heartwarming and gentle picture story book is beautifully illustrated by Rosalinda Kightley.

A Home for Hare and Mouse

Производитель: Boxer Books

Цена: 1119.00 руб.

Join Hare and Mouse in their search for a new home. With ingenious peek-a-book pages, discover who is living in the leaves, in the holes in trees and under the ground. This heartwarming and gentle picture story book is beautifully illustrated by Rosalinda Kightley.

Отобрано товаров 7
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