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Вес 190

Observe the stars from the top of the Sorbonne, see a film in a private flat, spend an astonishing night in the company of transsexuals, watch lawyers match wits in an oratory debating contest, go for a swim in the nude, crash celebrity parties, listen to a rock group in a squat, cross Paris in a Zodiac boat, meet Master Jodorowsky in person, discover the Baha'i faith and or theosophy, buckle down at a gathering of fetishists, or sleep in the most astonishing hotel rooms in the French capital.
Night-time in Paris has never been so full of surprises, if you know where to go…

Unusual Nights in Paris

Производитель: ABBYY Press (АБИ Пресс)

Цена: 985.00 руб.

Observe the stars from the top of the Sorbonne, see a film in a private flat, spend an astonishing night in the company of transsexuals, watch lawyers match wits in an oratory debating contest, go for a swim in the nude, crash celebrity parties, listen to a rock group in a squat, cross Paris in a Zodiac boat, meet Master Jodorowsky in person, discover the Baha'i faith and or theosophy, buckle down at a gathering of fetishists, or sleep in the most astonishing hotel rooms in the French capital. Night-time in Paris has never been so full of surprises, if you know where to go…

“Портрет Дориана Грея” - лучшее прозаическое произведение блестящего виртуоза слова и неподражаемого стилиста английской литературы Оскара Уайльда. В основе сюжета трагическая судьба художника и созданного им шедевра. Издание рекомендуется преподавателям и студентам языковых факультетов и вузов для использования в качестве пособия для домашнего чтения.

The Picture of Dorian Gray

Производитель: Икар

Цена: 298.00 руб.

“Портрет Дориана Грея” - лучшее прозаическое произведение блестящего виртуоза слова и неподражаемого стилиста английской литературы Оскара Уайльда. В основе сюжета трагическая судьба художника и созданного им шедевра. Издание рекомендуется преподавателям и студентам языковых факультетов и вузов для использования в качестве пособия для домашнего чтения.

Прекрасная сказка о путешествии и волшебных приключениях девочки Алисы. Эта книга трудно переводима на другие языки. Она вся построена на игре слов, на использовании английских народных пословиц, поговорок, считалок, стихотворений и песенок, знакомых с детства каждому британскому школьнику. Издание рассчитано на учащихся общеобразовательных школ, гимназий и колледжей, углубленно изучающих английский язык.

Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass


Цена: 324.00 руб.

Прекрасная сказка о путешествии и волшебных приключениях девочки Алисы. Эта книга трудно переводима на другие языки. Она вся построена на игре слов, на использовании английских народных пословиц, поговорок, считалок, стихотворений и песенок, знакомых с детства каждому британскому школьнику. Издание рассчитано на учащихся общеобразовательных школ, гимназий и колледжей, углубленно изучающих английский язык.

In society it is customary to enthuse over people's talents and to discuss the achievements of the gifted. But what are spiritual gifts, and how many of these gifts can a person possess? Why strive for spiritual gifts, and which gift is the most important? In these talks by Priest Daniel Sysoev you will learn about the Giver of gifts and the perfection to which God summons a person.

What Gifts Should We Ask of God? На англ.яз.


Цена: 288.00 руб.

In society it is customary to enthuse over people's talents and to discuss the achievements of the gifted. But what are spiritual gifts, and how many of these gifts can a person possess? Why strive for spiritual gifts, and which gift is the most important? In these talks by Priest Daniel Sysoev you will learn about the Giver of gifts and the perfection to which God summons a person.

How can one avoid divisions in the Church while attuning the mind and heart to unity in Christ? Grace is to be sought from God, not from men. Can Christ really be divided? If Christ cannot be divided, how can His Body - the Church - be divided? This book shows how quarrels are caused by vainglory, and points out the terrible consequences of man-worship in the Church fuels quarrels, and man-worship in the Church leads to terrible consequences.

Why Do Believers Quarrel? На английском языке


Цена: 288.00 руб.

How can one avoid divisions in the Church while attuning the mind and heart to unity in Christ? Grace is to be sought from God, not from men. Can Christ really be divided? If Christ cannot be divided, how can His Body - the Church - be divided? This book shows how quarrels are caused by vainglory, and points out the terrible consequences of man-worship in the Church fuels quarrels, and man-worship in the Church leads to terrible consequences.

Vadimir Voronchenko is a well-known businessman, art collector and connoisseur who serves as chairman of The Link of Times Foundation and as director of the Faberge Museum in St Petersburg. He is on the board of trustees of several major international institutions, among them the Paris Biennale, the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts and the Carl Faberge International Jeweller Contest, where he serves as co-chairman. In 2004 The Link of Times Foundation purchased Malcolm Forbes's famous collection of Faberge masterpieces from his heirs. Over the following ten years, the foundation continued acquiring Russian decorative and fine art of the eighteenth, nineteenth and early twentieth centuries at an unprecedented scale. 'I bis resulted in the formation of the world's largest collection of Faberge pieces, with over 1,000 items. Since 2013 this unique set of works has been on display as the permanent exhibition of the Faberge Museum.

Director’s Choice. Faberge Museum

Производитель: Юпитер-Импэкс

Цена: 2053.00 руб.

Vadimir Voronchenko is a well-known businessman, art collector and connoisseur who serves as chairman of The Link of Times Foundation and as director of the Faberge Museum in St Petersburg. He is on the board of trustees of several major international institutions, among them the Paris Biennale, the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts and the Carl Faberge International Jeweller Contest, where he serves as co-chairman. In 2004 The Link of Times Foundation purchased Malcolm Forbes's famous collection of Faberge masterpieces from his heirs. Over the following ten years, the foundation continued acquiring Russian decorative and fine art of the eighteenth, nineteenth and early twentieth centuries at an unprecedented scale. 'I bis resulted in the formation of the world's largest collection of Faberge pieces, with over 1,000 items. Since 2013 this unique set of works has been on display as the permanent exhibition of the Faberge Museum.

In this companion to Alphablock, Countablock, Dinoblock, and Cityblock, readers are introduced to more than 24 construction machines. As in the previous books, Buildablock features die-cut shapes on every other spread and the charming art of British design team Peskimo. Alphablock was chosen one of Parents magazine's 10 Best Children's Books of 2013 and one of ALSC's Notable Children's Books of 2014.


Производитель: Abrams & Chronicle Books

Цена: 1381.00 руб.

In this companion to Alphablock, Countablock, Dinoblock, and Cityblock, readers are introduced to more than 24 construction machines. As in the previous books, Buildablock features die-cut shapes on every other spread and the charming art of British design team Peskimo. Alphablock was chosen one of Parents magazine's 10 Best Children's Books of 2013 and one of ALSC's Notable Children's Books of 2014.

In Perfect Day, Txema Salvans photographs Spain's holiday-makers in unexpected corners of the postindustrial landscape. Sunbathers congregate in car parks, swimming pools are nestled between encroaching buildings, and cranes and cooling towers loom over beaches. In these surreal, banal and humorous scenes, Salvans reveals how the pursuit of leisure persists in spite of the ominous pressures of the built environment, expressing a deeply human determination to adapt, and find repose, against the odds. Although many of these photographs were made near the sea, the sea itself remains invisible: a silent, implicit witness and a backcloth that has been inverted. Instead, we see - in a literal sense - what the images subjects want to turn their back on. Beneath the surface of these scrupulously composed tableaux are potent questions about class, national identity, and the politics of space: a depiction of simple pleasures advocating our rights to them.

Perfect Day

Производитель: MACK books

Цена: 4378.00 руб.

In Perfect Day, Txema Salvans photographs Spain's holiday-makers in unexpected corners of the postindustrial landscape. Sunbathers congregate in car parks, swimming pools are nestled between encroaching buildings, and cranes and cooling towers loom over beaches. In these surreal, banal and humorous scenes, Salvans reveals how the pursuit of leisure persists in spite of the ominous pressures of the built environment, expressing a deeply human determination to adapt, and find repose, against the odds. Although many of these photographs were made near the sea, the sea itself remains invisible: a silent, implicit witness and a backcloth that has been inverted. Instead, we see - in a literal sense - what the images subjects want to turn their back on. Beneath the surface of these scrupulously composed tableaux are potent questions about class, national identity, and the politics of space: a depiction of simple pleasures advocating our rights to them.

L'Europe est-elle la mort, la sauvegarde ou le remplacement de l'Etat? Assiste t-on à l'émergence d'un super-Etat européen? Doit-on abandonner une fois pour toute notre vision du monde structurée par l'Etat-nation et ses chimères d'homogénéité culturelle, de souveraineté populaire et d'un centre politique agissant sur le réel? L'intégration européenne est-elle une révolution silencieuse et régénératrice ou le raidissement annonciateur d'un long déclin? Telles sont quelques-unes des questions qui traversent ce livre.
Le lecteur est convié à suivre plusieurs trajectoires. Trajectoire chronologique du système politique européen tout au long de sa genèse, de l'Etat comme forme de domination à l'Union européenne d'aujourd'hui, et traversant les histoires nationales de part en part. Trajectoire conceptuelle du débat sur la nature de l'Europe politique, de "l'objet non identifié" à sa normalisation comme réalité ancrée dans la vie quotidienne des citoyens.
Trajectoire pédagogique, du simple au complexe, du passé au présent, du national au supranational et au transnational tout en montrant comment ces niveaux s'interpénètrent désormais de manière inextricable. Cet ouvrage n'est pas un traité de recherche exposant l'exhaustivité d'une matière spécialisée. Ce n'est pas davantage un manuel présentant toutes les approches et les écoles. Il se veut un compagnon de route qui fait des choix, opte pour les raccourcis nécessaires ou allonge le chemin lorsqu'il faut avoir une vue d'ensemble.
Il s'adresse à l'étudiant qui aborde les études européennes en voulant aller du général au particulier; au chercheur ou au praticien en quête d'une réflexion transversale sur les dimensions multiples de l'intégration européenne; au lecteur profane désireux de décrypter ce qui se fait à "Bruxelles" et, plus largement, les racines et des enjeux de la politique contemporaine.

De l'Etat a l'Union europeenne

Производитель: PU Vincennes

Цена: 1556.00 руб.

L'Europe est-elle la mort, la sauvegarde ou le remplacement de l'Etat? Assiste t-on à l'émergence d'un super-Etat européen? Doit-on abandonner une fois pour toute notre vision du monde structurée par l'Etat-nation et ses chimères d'homogénéité culturelle, de souveraineté populaire et d'un centre politique agissant sur le réel? L'intégration européenne est-elle une révolution silencieuse et régénératrice ou le raidissement annonciateur d'un long déclin? Telles sont quelques-unes des questions qui traversent ce livre. Le lecteur est convié à suivre plusieurs trajectoires. Trajectoire chronologique du système politique européen tout au long de sa genèse, de l'Etat comme forme de domination à l'Union européenne d'aujourd'hui, et traversant les histoires nationales de part en part. Trajectoire conceptuelle du débat sur la nature de l'Europe politique, de "l'objet non identifié" à sa normalisation comme réalité ancrée dans la vie quotidienne des citoyens. Trajectoire pédagogique, du simple au complexe, du passé au présent, du national au supranational et au transnational tout en montrant comment ces niveaux s'interpénètrent désormais de manière inextricable. Cet ouvrage n'est pas un traité de recherche exposant l'exhaustivité d'une matière spécialisée. Ce n'est pas davantage un manuel présentant toutes les approches et les écoles. Il se veut un compagnon de route qui fait des choix, opte pour les raccourcis nécessaires ou allonge le chemin lorsqu'il faut avoir une vue d'ensemble. Il s'adresse à l'étudiant qui aborde les études européennes en voulant aller du général au particulier; au chercheur ou au praticien en quête d'une réflexion transversale sur les dimensions multiples de l'intégration européenne; au lecteur profane désireux de décrypter ce qui se fait à "Bruxelles" et, plus largement, les racines et des enjeux de la politique contemporaine.

Bob Dylan: Face Value

Производитель: Sandstein

Цена: 2649.00 руб.

Отобрано товаров 10
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