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From breakfast to dinner, dusk to dawn, children will love spending the day with this curious lion cub.
Now in paperback, the first in the acclaimed series of children's books focused on the way our young animal friends spend a day. Minding his mother and playing with his father, this curious little lion cub can't help chasing trouble and fun as he explores his corner of that big blue planet he shares with us.

One Day on Our Blue Planet. In the Savannah

Производитель: Flying Eye

Цена: 1067.00 руб.

From breakfast to dinner, dusk to dawn, children will love spending the day with this curious lion cub. Now in paperback, the first in the acclaimed series of children's books focused on the way our young animal friends spend a day. Minding his mother and playing with his father, this curious little lion cub can't help chasing trouble and fun as he explores his corner of that big blue planet he shares with us.

From breakfast to dinner, dusk to dawn, children will love spending the day with this curious penguin chick. In the latest volume of Ella Bailey's picture book exploration of the daily lives of baby animals, we head to the ice shelf to meet a young penguin chick. What does she and her family eat? How many brothers and sisters does she have? What do they do for fun?

One Day On Our Blue Planet. In The Antarctic

Производитель: Flying Eye

Цена: 1791.00 руб.

From breakfast to dinner, dusk to dawn, children will love spending the day with this curious penguin chick. In the latest volume of Ella Bailey's picture book exploration of the daily lives of baby animals, we head to the ice shelf to meet a young penguin chick. What does she and her family eat? How many brothers and sisters does she have? What do they do for fun?

Il nome di Tatiana Koroleva ё ben conosciuto in Russia. Le sue favole sono note anche ai lettori stranieri grazie alia traduzione in 15 lingue: inglese, francese, tedesco, italiano, spagnolo, portoghese, finlandese, ungherese, cinese, coreano, arabo, bengalese, giapponese, in lingua annamita, hindi. I personaggi dclle favole di Tatiana Koroleva fanno sogni magici. si recano in visita dai loro amici alio Zoo, partccipano al dolore e alle sofferenze altrui. donano al prossimo momenti di felicita. Essi girano il mondo, studiano le lingue per poter salutare gli altri animali: il Leone, nella lingua del leone, la Giraffa, nella lingua della giraffa, la Tartaruga, nella lingua della tartaruga, per capire in fin dei conti che la lingua principale sulla Terra e la lingua del cuore. Sono simili a noi, ma in molte cose sono migliori di noi. Si stupiscono perche I'Uomo attribuisce loro i suoi vizi: "testardo come un asino", "brutto come una scimmia", "sgraziato come un elefante", e osservandosi cercano di capire ouanto di vero ce in cio che I'Uomo dice di loro. Essi partecipano ai concorsi, ma anche se li perdono, vincono in generosita e nobilta d'animo. Lautore ha recitato le sue fiabe al Concerto per favola e pianoforte. Издание на итальянском языке.

IL giro del mondo della Tartaruga.Круг.пут.черепах

Производитель: Икар

Цена: 295.00 руб.

Il nome di Tatiana Koroleva ё ben conosciuto in Russia. Le sue favole sono note anche ai lettori stranieri grazie alia traduzione in 15 lingue: inglese, francese, tedesco, italiano, spagnolo, portoghese, finlandese, ungherese, cinese, coreano, arabo, bengalese, giapponese, in lingua annamita, hindi. I personaggi dclle favole di Tatiana Koroleva fanno sogni magici. si recano in visita dai loro amici alio Zoo, partccipano al dolore e alle sofferenze altrui. donano al prossimo momenti di felicita. Essi girano il mondo, studiano le lingue per poter salutare gli altri animali: il Leone, nella lingua del leone, la Giraffa, nella lingua della giraffa, la Tartaruga, nella lingua della tartaruga, per capire in fin dei conti che la lingua principale sulla Terra e la lingua del cuore. Sono simili a noi, ma in molte cose sono migliori di noi. Si stupiscono perche I'Uomo attribuisce loro i suoi vizi: "testardo come un asino", "brutto come una scimmia", "sgraziato come un elefante", e osservandosi cercano di capire ouanto di vero ce in cio che I'Uomo dice di loro. Essi partecipano ai concorsi, ma anche se li perdono, vincono in generosita e nobilta d'animo. Lautore ha recitato le sue fiabe al Concerto per favola e pianoforte. Издание на итальянском языке.

Is there any point in submission without love? What is God's plan for the submission of wives to their husbands? And Who is the head of the husband? The apostle Paul teaches that Jesus Christ is the head of the Church and the head of the family. In the family the husband learns from Christ, and the pious wife gladly obeys this kind of husband. Is this how it is in our own families? This book is dedicated to all those who seek the ideal of a happy family life.

Women in the Church: Submission or Equality? англ.


Цена: 206.00 руб.

Is there any point in submission without love? What is God's plan for the submission of wives to their husbands? And Who is the head of the husband? The apostle Paul teaches that Jesus Christ is the head of the Church and the head of the family. In the family the husband learns from Christ, and the pious wife gladly obeys this kind of husband. Is this how it is in our own families? This book is dedicated to all those who seek the ideal of a happy family life.

The book is a result of teaching Comparative Law at Penza State University from 2004 till present time. It contains analysis of leading legal systems of contemporary world from different legal families. Every Legal System is a combination of laws (sometimes of precedents and customs), legal culture and legal institutions (including the courts), legal education and people in the legal profession. Legal Systems of different countries: Great Britain, USA, France, Germany, Scandinavian states, China, Japan, Turkey, India, Russia are analyzed in the monograph. This book aims at non-English speaking students, who desire to improve their skills in English and foreign colleagues, aspiring to understand Russian version of legal evolution and present condition of global legal order. Монография является результатом преподавания сравнительного правоведения в Пензенском государственном университете начиная с 2004 г. и по настоящее время. Каждая правовая система рассмотрена как сочетание законов (иногда прецедентов и обычаев), правовой культуры и правовых институтов, в том числе в судах, юридического образования и юридической профессии. Содержится анализ ведущих правовых систем Великобритании, США, Франции, Германии, Скандинавских государств, Китая, Японии, Турции, Индии, России. 
Издание адресовано российским студентам-юристам, желающим улучшить свое знание английского языка. 
Издание полностью на английском языке.

Legal Systems of the Contemporary World. Monograph

Производитель: А-проджект

Цена: 1050.00 руб.

The book is a result of teaching Comparative Law at Penza State University from 2004 till present time. It contains analysis of leading legal systems of contemporary world from different legal families. Every Legal System is a combination of laws (sometimes of precedents and customs), legal culture and legal institutions (including the courts), legal education and people in the legal profession. Legal Systems of different countries: Great Britain, USA, France, Germany, Scandinavian states, China, Japan, Turkey, India, Russia are analyzed in the monograph. This book aims at non-English speaking students, who desire to improve their skills in English and foreign colleagues, aspiring to understand Russian version of legal evolution and present condition of global legal order. Монография является результатом преподавания сравнительного правоведения в Пензенском государственном университете начиная с 2004 г. и по настоящее время. Каждая правовая система рассмотрена как сочетание законов (иногда прецедентов и обычаев), правовой культуры и правовых институтов, в том числе в судах, юридического образования и юридической профессии. Содержится анализ ведущих правовых систем Великобритании, США, Франции, Германии, Скандинавских государств, Китая, Японии, Турции, Индии, России. Издание адресовано российским студентам-юристам, желающим улучшить свое знание английского языка. Издание полностью на английском языке.

The quote from Karl Marx taken out to the headline treats a person as a rational being realizing the being as a whole and inexhaustible. Hence - the problem of philosophical knowledge and philosophical perception of the whole as a purely philosophical problem. For its solution the author is developing a theory of being, motion, space and time, relying on modern natural, inter alia, on cosmological perceptions of the world, challenging some of them, including the "theory of enlargement of the Universe", "recession of galaxies" et al. Decision of assigned tasks required author to address to the problems associated with a fundamental question of philosophy, as well as the theory of knowledge, consciousness, nature of the ideal and the mechanisms of spiritual production. Solving these problems "in a non-traditional way," especially when you consider that these "traditions" have become or are strenuously made far from the identified problems neo-postpositivist and postmodern constructions, the author refers to the ancient and more recent origins of classical philosophy. For scientists, professors of philosophy, graduate students.

The Mirror and the Echo of the Universe

Производитель: А-проджект

Цена: 1260.00 руб.

The quote from Karl Marx taken out to the headline treats a person as a rational being realizing the being as a whole and inexhaustible. Hence - the problem of philosophical knowledge and philosophical perception of the whole as a purely philosophical problem. For its solution the author is developing a theory of being, motion, space and time, relying on modern natural, inter alia, on cosmological perceptions of the world, challenging some of them, including the "theory of enlargement of the Universe", "recession of galaxies" et al. Decision of assigned tasks required author to address to the problems associated with a fundamental question of philosophy, as well as the theory of knowledge, consciousness, nature of the ideal and the mechanisms of spiritual production. Solving these problems "in a non-traditional way," especially when you consider that these "traditions" have become or are strenuously made far from the identified problems neo-postpositivist and postmodern constructions, the author refers to the ancient and more recent origins of classical philosophy. For scientists, professors of philosophy, graduate students.

Explanation of psalms 90 and 103. This book examines the issues of trust in God and of His protection, the struggle against fear and despondency, and the creation and rule of the universe. "The Psalter is suitable for any good work. If you wish to rejoice and praise God, here too you will find the right words in the Psalter. if you are in confusion and do not know what to do, the Psalter will teach you understanding. " - Saint Basil the Great. Approved for publication by the Publications Board of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Explanation of Selected Psalms. Part 2: Beneath


Цена: 288.00 руб.

Explanation of psalms 90 and 103. This book examines the issues of trust in God and of His protection, the struggle against fear and despondency, and the creation and rule of the universe. "The Psalter is suitable for any good work. If you wish to rejoice and praise God, here too you will find the right words in the Psalter. if you are in confusion and do not know what to do, the Psalter will teach you understanding. " - Saint Basil the Great. Approved for publication by the Publications Board of the Russian Orthodox Church.

This tutorial contains information about the connective tissue chemical structure and metabolism, as well as the oral fluid chemical composition and functions. The book reviews the issues of dental caries and periodontal diseases pathogenesis. The manual consists of two parts and includes clinical cases. The tutorial is designed for students of specialty "Dentistry" studying biochemistry in English. The book was prepared in accordance with the curriculum approved by the Educational Board of the Faculty of Dentistry, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University.

Biochemistry of connective tissue. Biochemistry

Производитель: ГЭОТАР-Медиа

Цена: 1454.00 руб.

This tutorial contains information about the connective tissue chemical structure and metabolism, as well as the oral fluid chemical composition and functions. The book reviews the issues of dental caries and periodontal diseases pathogenesis. The manual consists of two parts and includes clinical cases. The tutorial is designed for students of specialty "Dentistry" studying biochemistry in English. The book was prepared in accordance with the curriculum approved by the Educational Board of the Faculty of Dentistry, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University.

The State Tretyakov in Moscow is the world's foremost repository of Russian fine art. It was founded in 1856 by the influential merchant and collector Pavel Tretyakov, who presented it as a gift to the city in 1892. It is now an extensive museum complex, encompassing several buildings and containing over 130,000 exhibits, ranging from exquisite and mysterious 12th century icons to politically charged works of 20th century Soviet socialist realism. However, it remains true to its original aims of connecting the people of Russia to their cultural identity and sharing this rich heritage with the wider world. In this book, Director Zelfira Tregulova selects her personal highlights from this vast collection, providing a revealing insight into the history and meaning behind some of the world's most significant artworks.

The State Tretyakov Gallery

Производитель: Юпитер-Импэкс

Цена: 2477.00 руб.

The State Tretyakov in Moscow is the world's foremost repository of Russian fine art. It was founded in 1856 by the influential merchant and collector Pavel Tretyakov, who presented it as a gift to the city in 1892. It is now an extensive museum complex, encompassing several buildings and containing over 130,000 exhibits, ranging from exquisite and mysterious 12th century icons to politically charged works of 20th century Soviet socialist realism. However, it remains true to its original aims of connecting the people of Russia to their cultural identity and sharing this rich heritage with the wider world. In this book, Director Zelfira Tregulova selects her personal highlights from this vast collection, providing a revealing insight into the history and meaning behind some of the world's most significant artworks.

Bring some Scandi charm to your spring crafting with Tilda's Sunshine Sewing. This brand new pattern book from the hugely popular designer Tone Finnanger is packed with gorgeous sewing and quilting projects to add a ray of sunshine into your spring decor. Featuring two full size quilts, plus pillows, soft toys and fabric bowls - all made in the latest Tilda fabric ranges, plus stunning photography, this Tilda spring collection is a treat for sewers everywhere. 12 adorable projects are themed around the summer coast and countryside, with motifs of lemons, fruit trees, birds, octopuses, mermaids, jellyfish, narwhals, starfish and more.

Tilda Sunshine Sewing

Производитель: F&W Publications

Цена: 1466.00 руб.

Bring some Scandi charm to your spring crafting with Tilda's Sunshine Sewing. This brand new pattern book from the hugely popular designer Tone Finnanger is packed with gorgeous sewing and quilting projects to add a ray of sunshine into your spring decor. Featuring two full size quilts, plus pillows, soft toys and fabric bowls - all made in the latest Tilda fabric ranges, plus stunning photography, this Tilda spring collection is a treat for sewers everywhere. 12 adorable projects are themed around the summer coast and countryside, with motifs of lemons, fruit trees, birds, octopuses, mermaids, jellyfish, narwhals, starfish and more.

New edition of Erté's work based upon recent (2016) Hermitage exhibition celebrating his life and work - Newly commissioned text by Hermitage curator Mikhail Dedinkin and Chairman of Estorick Collection, Michael Estorick, as well as contributions by Barbra Streisand and art critics Morgan Falconer and the late Brian Sewell Romain de Tirtoff (1892-1990), who changed his name to Erté ('R' and 'T' in French) when he left his native St Petersburg for Paris in 1912, became one of the most sought-after artists of the twentieth century. His illustrations for Harper's Bazaar and Vogue remain classics of the genre, proving that mass art can be genuine art. His work as stage, costume and fashion designer in Europe and America combined an eye for fashion and elegance with a sense of theatricality. In the early days Erté worked closely with the couturier Paul Poiret; he then took his remarkable talent to the stage, producing numerous designs for the revues and shows that were so popular at the time, as we well as to film with his work for MGM. Mata Hari, Lillian Gish, Anna Pavlova and George Balanchine were just some of those whose costumes were designed by Erté. Even when his fame dipped, Erté remained true to his life's work, continuing to create his wonderfully refined and delicate drawings, including the popular Alphabet series.

Erte: Romain de Tirtoff 1892-1990

Производитель: Fontanka

Цена: 2253.00 руб.

New edition of Erté's work based upon recent (2016) Hermitage exhibition celebrating his life and work - Newly commissioned text by Hermitage curator Mikhail Dedinkin and Chairman of Estorick Collection, Michael Estorick, as well as contributions by Barbra Streisand and art critics Morgan Falconer and the late Brian Sewell Romain de Tirtoff (1892-1990), who changed his name to Erté ('R' and 'T' in French) when he left his native St Petersburg for Paris in 1912, became one of the most sought-after artists of the twentieth century. His illustrations for Harper's Bazaar and Vogue remain classics of the genre, proving that mass art can be genuine art. His work as stage, costume and fashion designer in Europe and America combined an eye for fashion and elegance with a sense of theatricality. In the early days Erté worked closely with the couturier Paul Poiret; he then took his remarkable talent to the stage, producing numerous designs for the revues and shows that were so popular at the time, as we well as to film with his work for MGM. Mata Hari, Lillian Gish, Anna Pavlova and George Balanchine were just some of those whose costumes were designed by Erté. Even when his fame dipped, Erté remained true to his life's work, continuing to create his wonderfully refined and delicate drawings, including the popular Alphabet series.

Inspired by Antoni Gaudi's Parc Guell in Barcelona and the Mannerist park Sacro Bosco in Bomarzo, Niki de Saint Phalle, together with her partner Jean Tinguely, created her sculpture park in Garavicchio, in the southern-most part of Tuscany. In this vast garden, the 22 cards of the tarot's Major Arcana are represented in the form of enormous sculptures, 12 to 15 meters high, made of painted polyester and reinforced concrete, covered with mirrors, mosacis, multicoloured ceramics and Murano glass. This enchanted world was, for her, the ultimate achievement of her oeuvre, its culmination. Including texts written by Saint Phalle herself and explaining her thoughts and intentions in creating the sculptures, this book is a concise introduction to the garden. Moreover, it is a piece of art in its design, inspired and created by Saint Phalle herself.

The Tarot Garden

Производитель: Benteli Verlag

Цена: 936.00 руб.

Inspired by Antoni Gaudi's Parc Guell in Barcelona and the Mannerist park Sacro Bosco in Bomarzo, Niki de Saint Phalle, together with her partner Jean Tinguely, created her sculpture park in Garavicchio, in the southern-most part of Tuscany. In this vast garden, the 22 cards of the tarot's Major Arcana are represented in the form of enormous sculptures, 12 to 15 meters high, made of painted polyester and reinforced concrete, covered with mirrors, mosacis, multicoloured ceramics and Murano glass. This enchanted world was, for her, the ultimate achievement of her oeuvre, its culmination. Including texts written by Saint Phalle herself and explaining her thoughts and intentions in creating the sculptures, this book is a concise introduction to the garden. Moreover, it is a piece of art in its design, inspired and created by Saint Phalle herself.

Alpha plus. Deutsch als Zweitsprache. Sprachkurs A1

Производитель: Cornelsen discount 1

Цена: 1753.00 руб.

GoGetter 4. Students Book

Производитель: Pearson ELT LP

Цена: 1861.00 руб.

Madeline Finn does not like to read. Not books. Not magazines. Not even the menu on the ice cream van. Fortunately, Madeline meets Bonnie, a library dog. Reading aloud to Bonnie isn't so bad. When Madeline Finn gets stuck, Bonnie doesn't mind. As it turns out, it's fun to read when you're not afraid of making mistakes. Bonnie teaches Madeline that it's okay to go slow, to keep trying, and to get support from a friend. This is the perfect book to reassure the reluctant reader.

Madeline Finn and the Library Dog

Производитель: Flying Eye

Цена: 1048.00 руб.

Madeline Finn does not like to read. Not books. Not magazines. Not even the menu on the ice cream van. Fortunately, Madeline meets Bonnie, a library dog. Reading aloud to Bonnie isn't so bad. When Madeline Finn gets stuck, Bonnie doesn't mind. As it turns out, it's fun to read when you're not afraid of making mistakes. Bonnie teaches Madeline that it's okay to go slow, to keep trying, and to get support from a friend. This is the perfect book to reassure the reluctant reader.

Explore and colour some of Little Lapin's favourite things from her journey around the globe in this fun colouring book. You'll find animals, vehicles, famous landmarks and pictures of Little Lapin too! Grab your crayons - let's go!

Colour the World with Little Lapin

Производитель: TBS mix

Цена: 408.00 руб.

Explore and colour some of Little Lapin's favourite things from her journey around the globe in this fun colouring book. You'll find animals, vehicles, famous landmarks and pictures of Little Lapin too! Grab your crayons - let's go!

Bruno und ich 2. Deutsch fur Kinder. Schulerbuch mit Audios online

Производитель: Cornelsen discount 1

Цена: 1113.00 руб.

Educators in the UK and around the world are uniting behind the need for the profession to have access to more high-quality research and evidence to do their job more effectively. But every year thousands of research papers are published, some of which contradict each other. How can busy teachers know which research is worth investing time in reading and understanding? And how easily is that academic research translated into excellent practice in the classroom In this thorough, enlightening and comprehensive book, Carl Hendrick and Robin Macpherson ask 18 of today's leading educational thinkers to distill the most up-to-date research into effective classroom practice in 10 of the most important areas of teaching. The result is a fascinating manual that will benefit every single teacher in every single school, in all four corners of the globe.

What does this look like in the classroom

Производитель: John Catt Education

Цена: 1528.00 руб.

Educators in the UK and around the world are uniting behind the need for the profession to have access to more high-quality research and evidence to do their job more effectively. But every year thousands of research papers are published, some of which contradict each other. How can busy teachers know which research is worth investing time in reading and understanding? And how easily is that academic research translated into excellent practice in the classroom In this thorough, enlightening and comprehensive book, Carl Hendrick and Robin Macpherson ask 18 of today's leading educational thinkers to distill the most up-to-date research into effective classroom practice in 10 of the most important areas of teaching. The result is a fascinating manual that will benefit every single teacher in every single school, in all four corners of the globe.

Decorate each colourful safari scene with stickers from 8 pages of over 250 fantastic designs: featuring lions, elephants, crocodiles and much, much more! Children will have hours of fun accessorising these vivid pages to make them look just the way they want. Each page features things to look for, find and count, along with questions to stimulate young minds. Plus a treasure hunt activity so children can go back and spot things they might have not have noticed before.

Safari Animals. Sticker Book

Производитель: Salariya

Цена: 587.00 руб.

Decorate each colourful safari scene with stickers from 8 pages of over 250 fantastic designs: featuring lions, elephants, crocodiles and much, much more! Children will have hours of fun accessorising these vivid pages to make them look just the way they want. Each page features things to look for, find and count, along with questions to stimulate young minds. Plus a treasure hunt activity so children can go back and spot things they might have not have noticed before.

"La liberté, c'est toujours la liberté de celui qui pense autrement". (Rosa Luxemburg, 1917) Alors qu'elle est emprisonnée, la théoricienne marxiste Rosa Luxemburg étudie le déroulement de la Révolution russe et en tire les leçons. Son enthousiasme et son soutien total au bolchevisme ne sont néanmoins pas exempts de critiques, notamment en ce qui concerne l'autoritarisme du régime mis en place par Lénine.
Ce travail d'analyse ne sera pas achevé, et ses notes ne seront publiées qu'après sa mort. A chacun, donc, d'interpréter ce qui relève d'une pensée en mouvement de ce qui est jugement définitif...

La Revolution russe

Производитель: Rankin Photography

Цена: 1403.00 руб.

"La liberté, c'est toujours la liberté de celui qui pense autrement". (Rosa Luxemburg, 1917) Alors qu'elle est emprisonnée, la théoricienne marxiste Rosa Luxemburg étudie le déroulement de la Révolution russe et en tire les leçons. Son enthousiasme et son soutien total au bolchevisme ne sont néanmoins pas exempts de critiques, notamment en ce qui concerne l'autoritarisme du régime mis en place par Lénine. Ce travail d'analyse ne sera pas achevé, et ses notes ne seront publiées qu'après sa mort. A chacun, donc, d'interpréter ce qui relève d'une pensée en mouvement de ce qui est jugement définitif...

Отобрано товаров 45
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