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Konzeptbeschreibung - ausführliches Unterrichtsraster mit Tipps zu Methodik, Landeskunde uvm. - zusätzliche Kopiervorlagen zu den Lektionen - Transkriptionen der Hörtexte - Lösungen zum Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch.

Sicher! B2.2: Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Lehrerhandbuch

Производитель: ARVATO MEDIA GmbH IMP

Цена: 1044.00 руб.

Konzeptbeschreibung - ausführliches Unterrichtsraster mit Tipps zu Methodik, Landeskunde uvm. - zusätzliche Kopiervorlagen zu den Lektionen - Transkriptionen der Hörtexte - Lösungen zum Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch.

The Coursebook and Beyond is a resource for current and future English language teachers. It has been written both for use by the individual teacher and for use in teacher training courses. The book looks at the central role played by the coursebook in most language courses, at some of the curricular ideas behind a coursebook and at the different ways a coursebook may go about implementing these. For the most part, the focus ofThe Coursebook and Beyond is very practical, a focus on how teachers can deal with a prescribed body of materials. The book presents ideas on how to select (or reject) a coursebook, on different ways to work with the materials within a coursebook, and on how to jump outside the text altogether where this helps to better attain the goals of the course and where the coursebook might need augmentation. The overarching aim of The Coursebook and Beyond is to help teachers see course materials as less a fixed route and more a suggested path for helping students achieve the goals of a course.

The Coursebook and Beyond. Choosing, Using and Teaching Outside the Text

Производитель: ABAX PUBLISHING

Цена: 1795.00 руб.

The Coursebook and Beyond is a resource for current and future English language teachers. It has been written both for use by the individual teacher and for use in teacher training courses. The book looks at the central role played by the coursebook in most language courses, at some of the curricular ideas behind a coursebook and at the different ways a coursebook may go about implementing these. For the most part, the focus ofThe Coursebook and Beyond is very practical, a focus on how teachers can deal with a prescribed body of materials. The book presents ideas on how to select (or reject) a coursebook, on different ways to work with the materials within a coursebook, and on how to jump outside the text altogether where this helps to better attain the goals of the course and where the coursebook might need augmentation. The overarching aim of The Coursebook and Beyond is to help teachers see course materials as less a fixed route and more a suggested path for helping students achieve the goals of a course.

Parigi, anni '30 del XX secolo. Un milionario viene ucciso. La statuetta dorata di un Budda scompare. Un giovane studente russo, squattrinato e afflitto da vertiginose allucinazioni, è arrestato e accusato di omicidio. Snodandosi tra la livida e fervida immaginazione del protagonista e i vicoli bui dei bassifondi parigini popolati di disperati, il libro è in parte un racconto poliziesco, in parte un thriller filosofico e in parte una storia d'amore. Un romanzo dallo stile ipnotico, una riflessione vivida e feroce sugli strappi dell'esilio e gli inganni della realtà.

Il ritorno del Budda

Производитель: Voland

Цена: 2252.00 руб.

Parigi, anni '30 del XX secolo. Un milionario viene ucciso. La statuetta dorata di un Budda scompare. Un giovane studente russo, squattrinato e afflitto da vertiginose allucinazioni, è arrestato e accusato di omicidio. Snodandosi tra la livida e fervida immaginazione del protagonista e i vicoli bui dei bassifondi parigini popolati di disperati, il libro è in parte un racconto poliziesco, in parte un thriller filosofico e in parte una storia d'amore. Un romanzo dallo stile ipnotico, una riflessione vivida e feroce sugli strappi dell'esilio e gli inganni della realtà.

A practical guide to pedagogy in the English classroom, supporting the teaching abstract, classic and challenging texts and concepts. Many teachers are struggling with the new GCSE syllabus for Literature, and this book provides useful resources, strategies and approaches for the key areas of challenge in the English classroom. Full of practical ideas for educators to use in their classrooms, it is the perfect book for any English teachers who want some fresh ideas for approaching GCSE Literature.

How To Teach English Literature

Производитель: John Catt Education

Цена: 2205.00 руб.

A practical guide to pedagogy in the English classroom, supporting the teaching abstract, classic and challenging texts and concepts. Many teachers are struggling with the new GCSE syllabus for Literature, and this book provides useful resources, strategies and approaches for the key areas of challenge in the English classroom. Full of practical ideas for educators to use in their classrooms, it is the perfect book for any English teachers who want some fresh ideas for approaching GCSE Literature.

Spektrum Deutsch A2+. Teilband 2. Integriertes Kurs und Arbeitsbuch

Производитель: Schubert Verlag

Цена: 2195.00 руб.

Spektrum Deutsch B1+. Teilband 2. Integriertes Kurs und Arbeitsbuch

Производитель: Schubert Verlag

Цена: 2195.00 руб.

Отобрано товаров 6
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