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The Great Artists Collection is one of a series of gift packs containing a 64-page paperback book in a lavish folder with 6 free ready-to-frame 8 x 10 prints. Each book features a biography of each artist, looking at their life and their legacy, and useful fact boxes talk about the artists 'Great Works' and include fascinating information to improve the reader's knowledge of each artist. A fabulous gift pack which includes a 64-page paperback book and 6 ready-to-frame keepsake 8 x 10 prints on one of the world's most recognized artists!


Производитель: JG Press

Цена: 462.00 руб.

The Great Artists Collection is one of a series of gift packs containing a 64-page paperback book in a lavish folder with 6 free ready-to-frame 8 x 10 prints. Each book features a biography of each artist, looking at their life and their legacy, and useful fact boxes talk about the artists 'Great Works' and include fascinating information to improve the reader's knowledge of each artist. A fabulous gift pack which includes a 64-page paperback book and 6 ready-to-frame keepsake 8 x 10 prints on one of the world's most recognized artists!

No other movement has had as great an impact on art in the last 200 years, nor been as popular with museumgoers, as the Impressionists. This breathtaking volume—filled with fabulous facsimile artifacts, including letters, reviews, posters, preliminary sketches, palette lists, and more—looks at the journey these great painters endured to establish themselves in the art world. It places the art in its historical context, analyzes the predominant techniques, focuses on the major painters and on the female Impressionists, explains how their work influenced later generations, and even reveals the artists' loves and personal battles.

The Treasures of the Impressionists

Производитель: Andre Deutsch

Цена: 2386.00 руб.

No other movement has had as great an impact on art in the last 200 years, nor been as popular with museumgoers, as the Impressionists. This breathtaking volume—filled with fabulous facsimile artifacts, including letters, reviews, posters, preliminary sketches, palette lists, and more—looks at the journey these great painters endured to establish themselves in the art world. It places the art in its historical context, analyzes the predominant techniques, focuses on the major painters and on the female Impressionists, explains how their work influenced later generations, and even reveals the artists' loves and personal battles.

The twentieth century was an age of revolutions. As the pace of social and economic change quickened and the savagery of technological warfare destabilized societies, intolerable pressures were created which exploded into violent political movements. These overthrew long-standing regimes and radically reshaped social orders, beginning with the monarchies in China and Russia, the latter transformed into a communist society which sought to export its revolution abroad. Towards the century's end, the collapse of the Soviet Union fed new movements, which sought to throw off the choking legacy of earlier revolutions that turned out to have merely replaced one form of oppression with another. Revolution examines all the key revolutions of the twentieth century, from the Xinhai Revolution of 1911, through the 1917 October Revolution, which overthrew the Tsarist regime in Russia, to those which accompanied the collapse of the Soviet Union at the century's end. It also encompasses the democratic revolutions that overthrew a string of dictatorships from the 1980s onwards.
Following the narrative thread through 18 revolutionary movements and illustrated with contemporary photographs and documents, this is an indispensable guide to a phenomenon that shaped and overshadowed much of the twentieth century.


Производитель: Andre Deutsch

Цена: 2858.00 руб.

The twentieth century was an age of revolutions. As the pace of social and economic change quickened and the savagery of technological warfare destabilized societies, intolerable pressures were created which exploded into violent political movements. These overthrew long-standing regimes and radically reshaped social orders, beginning with the monarchies in China and Russia, the latter transformed into a communist society which sought to export its revolution abroad. Towards the century's end, the collapse of the Soviet Union fed new movements, which sought to throw off the choking legacy of earlier revolutions that turned out to have merely replaced one form of oppression with another. Revolution examines all the key revolutions of the twentieth century, from the Xinhai Revolution of 1911, through the 1917 October Revolution, which overthrew the Tsarist regime in Russia, to those which accompanied the collapse of the Soviet Union at the century's end. It also encompasses the democratic revolutions that overthrew a string of dictatorships from the 1980s onwards. Following the narrative thread through 18 revolutionary movements and illustrated with contemporary photographs and documents, this is an indispensable guide to a phenomenon that shaped and overshadowed much of the twentieth century.

A guide to over 25 of the most popular ways to drink coffee, rendered in beautiful infographic style. Do you know your Cappuccino from your Cortado or your Americano from your Affogato? When you're at the counter of the coffee shop, faced with a menu of drinks as long as the queue of people eagerly waiting for that morning blast of caffeine, the minutiae and mechanics of coffee can be a little mind-bending. With this simple infographic guide that clearly explains the composition of over 25 of the main types of coffee available, you'll be able to identify what you're drinking and how best you like it, making this an essential addition to the collection for anyone who's addicted to great coffee.

Coffee Drinks. An Illustrated Infographic Guide to What's in Your Cup

Производитель: Dog 'n' Bone

Цена: 606.00 руб.

A guide to over 25 of the most popular ways to drink coffee, rendered in beautiful infographic style. Do you know your Cappuccino from your Cortado or your Americano from your Affogato? When you're at the counter of the coffee shop, faced with a menu of drinks as long as the queue of people eagerly waiting for that morning blast of caffeine, the minutiae and mechanics of coffee can be a little mind-bending. With this simple infographic guide that clearly explains the composition of over 25 of the main types of coffee available, you'll be able to identify what you're drinking and how best you like it, making this an essential addition to the collection for anyone who's addicted to great coffee.

The texts and images presented here are part of Blossom, a collaboration between the artist Thomas Demand and writer Ben Lerner. The images relate to a detail from a photograph of Katherine Russell, widow of Tamerlan Anzorovich Tsarnaev leaving her home in Boston, that first appeared in the New York Times on 4 May 2013.
Thomas Demand’s work lures the viewer into a reality that is not what it appears to be. Carefully contrived from paper, these imaginary worlds are sculpted, photographed and destroyed. The traces which remain are events in which the protagonist is removed, scenes that are both familiar and out of reach. Demand’s work has been shown extensively across the world and is included in most of the significant private and institutional collections. Recent books include The Dallies (MACK, 2012) and Model Studies (Ivory Press, 2011).
Ben Lerner is the author of three books of poetry: The Lichtenberg Figures, Angle of Yaw and Mean Free Path, all published by Copper Canyon Press. He is the author of two novels, Leaving the Atocha Station, published by Coffee House Press, and 10:04, out this year from Faber/FSG. His recent writing on art and literature can be found in Art in America, Frieze, Harper’s, and The London Review of Books. He has been a finalist for the National Book Award and has received Fulbright, Howard, and Guggenheim Fellowships, among other honors.


Производитель: MACK books

Цена: 3752.00 руб.

The texts and images presented here are part of Blossom, a collaboration between the artist Thomas Demand and writer Ben Lerner. The images relate to a detail from a photograph of Katherine Russell, widow of Tamerlan Anzorovich Tsarnaev leaving her home in Boston, that first appeared in the New York Times on 4 May 2013. Thomas Demand’s work lures the viewer into a reality that is not what it appears to be. Carefully contrived from paper, these imaginary worlds are sculpted, photographed and destroyed. The traces which remain are events in which the protagonist is removed, scenes that are both familiar and out of reach. Demand’s work has been shown extensively across the world and is included in most of the significant private and institutional collections. Recent books include The Dallies (MACK, 2012) and Model Studies (Ivory Press, 2011). Ben Lerner is the author of three books of poetry: The Lichtenberg Figures, Angle of Yaw and Mean Free Path, all published by Copper Canyon Press. He is the author of two novels, Leaving the Atocha Station, published by Coffee House Press, and 10:04, out this year from Faber/FSG. His recent writing on art and literature can be found in Art in America, Frieze, Harper’s, and The London Review of Books. He has been a finalist for the National Book Award and has received Fulbright, Howard, and Guggenheim Fellowships, among other honors.

Woher wissen eigentlich die Füße, wohin sie gehen müssen? Wer denkt in meinem Kopf? Was macht die Pizza im Magen? Der menschliche Körper birgt so manches Geheimnis, das es zu erforschen gilt! Die spannenden und ganzheitlichen Aktivitäten aus allen Bildungsbereichen regen Kinder an, das Wunderwerk Körper in allen Facetten zu entdecken.

Korper. Ideen fur die Kita-Praxis ab 5 Jahren

Производитель: Cornelsen discount 1

Цена: 1592.00 руб.

Woher wissen eigentlich die Füße, wohin sie gehen müssen? Wer denkt in meinem Kopf? Was macht die Pizza im Magen? Der menschliche Körper birgt so manches Geheimnis, das es zu erforschen gilt! Die spannenden und ganzheitlichen Aktivitäten aus allen Bildungsbereichen regen Kinder an, das Wunderwerk Körper in allen Facetten zu entdecken.

Les auteurs s'attachent à décrire la diversité des pratiques mises en oeuvre dans les classes en abordant toutes les composantes de l'enseignement de la langue écrite. Pour dépasser les oppositions simplistes de méthodes, ils comparent et expliquent les choix contrastés que les maîtres opèrent dans le respect des programmes nationaux. Sans jargon, ils rendent compte de la complexité d'un apprentissage qui s'avère délicat pour une partie des élèves quand l'école ne joue pas pleinement son rôle. Soucieux de sortir des polèmiques qui ont crée une grande confusion et accru l'inquiétude de tous, ils redonnent confiance dans le travail des enseignants en le rendant plus transparent. En fin d'ouvrage, ils donnent des conseils concrets aux parents soucieux d'accompagner leur enfant dans cet apprentissage.

Apprendre à lire à l'école. Tout ce qu'il savoir pour accompagner l'enfant

Производитель: RETZ

Цена: 784.00 руб.

Les auteurs s'attachent à décrire la diversité des pratiques mises en oeuvre dans les classes en abordant toutes les composantes de l'enseignement de la langue écrite. Pour dépasser les oppositions simplistes de méthodes, ils comparent et expliquent les choix contrastés que les maîtres opèrent dans le respect des programmes nationaux. Sans jargon, ils rendent compte de la complexité d'un apprentissage qui s'avère délicat pour une partie des élèves quand l'école ne joue pas pleinement son rôle. Soucieux de sortir des polèmiques qui ont crée une grande confusion et accru l'inquiétude de tous, ils redonnent confiance dans le travail des enseignants en le rendant plus transparent. En fin d'ouvrage, ils donnent des conseils concrets aux parents soucieux d'accompagner leur enfant dans cet apprentissage.

Schlafen Gänseblümchen nachts? 
Zu jedem Anlass, jedem Thema, das Kindern wichtig ist, lassen sich Projekte starten: Sie stellen das selbsttätige Handeln der Kinder in den Mittelpunkt und ermöglichen ganzheitliches und nachhaltiges Lernen.
Projekte finden als offener Prozess statt und schaffen viele Freiräume für kreatives Arbeiten - trotzdem sind Planung und Vorbereitung unerlässlich.

Farbe: Ideen fur die Kita-Praxis

Производитель: Cornelsen discount 1

Цена: 1592.00 руб.

Schlafen Gänseblümchen nachts? Zu jedem Anlass, jedem Thema, das Kindern wichtig ist, lassen sich Projekte starten: Sie stellen das selbsttätige Handeln der Kinder in den Mittelpunkt und ermöglichen ganzheitliches und nachhaltiges Lernen. Projekte finden als offener Prozess statt und schaffen viele Freiräume für kreatives Arbeiten - trotzdem sind Planung und Vorbereitung unerlässlich.

When football legend Joe Ramsey agrees to coach their team, Danny, Lewis and Jamil are delighted! But Coach Ramsey is tough. Very tough. Can the boys survive the pressures of the team and still enjoy the game?

Football Crazy

Производитель: TBS(Bounce Mix)

Цена: 625.00 руб.

When football legend Joe Ramsey agrees to coach their team, Danny, Lewis and Jamil are delighted! But Coach Ramsey is tough. Very tough. Can the boys survive the pressures of the team and still enjoy the game?

Muscle Cars is the story of America's pursuit of sheer horsepower in the 1960s and 70s. The first of the type, the famous Pontiac GTO or "Goat", would launch a race between America's automotive manufacturers to produce ever more powerful V8 engines wrapped in legendary "Coke-bottle" sheet metal styling. Following Ford's extremely successful introduction of the galloping Mustang in 1964, others would follow, such as General Motors's Camaro and Firebird as well as Plymouth's Barracuda, competing against one another on race tracks to "Win on Sunday, Sell on Monday". This book details these golden years, as well as the economic and environmental developments of the 1970s that brought an end to the muscle car era.

Muscle Cars. The First American Supercars

Производитель: Shire Publications

Цена: 655.00 руб.

Muscle Cars is the story of America's pursuit of sheer horsepower in the 1960s and 70s. The first of the type, the famous Pontiac GTO or "Goat", would launch a race between America's automotive manufacturers to produce ever more powerful V8 engines wrapped in legendary "Coke-bottle" sheet metal styling. Following Ford's extremely successful introduction of the galloping Mustang in 1964, others would follow, such as General Motors's Camaro and Firebird as well as Plymouth's Barracuda, competing against one another on race tracks to "Win on Sunday, Sell on Monday". This book details these golden years, as well as the economic and environmental developments of the 1970s that brought an end to the muscle car era.

The Great Artists Collection is one of a series of gift packs containing a 64-page paperback book in a lavish folder with 6 free ready-to-frame 8 x 10 prints. Each book features a biography of each artist, looking at their life and their legacy, and useful fact boxes talk about the artists 'Great Works' and include fascinating information to improve the reader's knowledge of each artist. A fabulous gift pack which includes a 64-page paperback book and 6 ready-to-frame keepsake 8 x 10 prints on one of the world's most recognized artists!


Производитель: JG Press

Цена: 473.00 руб.

The Great Artists Collection is one of a series of gift packs containing a 64-page paperback book in a lavish folder with 6 free ready-to-frame 8 x 10 prints. Each book features a biography of each artist, looking at their life and their legacy, and useful fact boxes talk about the artists 'Great Works' and include fascinating information to improve the reader's knowledge of each artist. A fabulous gift pack which includes a 64-page paperback book and 6 ready-to-frame keepsake 8 x 10 prints on one of the world's most recognized artists!

Claude Monet was undoubtedly the most important of all the Impressionist painters and his water lily paintings represent the culminating moment in his career. Monet's famous garden at Giverny provided the inspiration for the paintings. The exhibition will bring to life the importance and beauty of this garden through a range of archival photographs, as well as an early, rarely seen film from 1915, showing Monet painting outdoors in his garden.
Monet's Water Lilies will reunite the three panels of an exceptionally impressive water lily triptych, created by Monet between 1915 and 1926. The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, the Saint Louis Art Museum, and the Cleveland Museum of Art each own one panel of the triptych and the exhibition will offer a rare opportunity to bring the works together. This will be the first time that this reunion has occurred for more than 30 years. With the single exception of a triptych in the Museum of Modern Art, this is the only triptych by Monet in the United States.
The exhibition will be on view in Kansas City April 9-August 7, 2011, before traveling to St. Louis. The exhibition will travel to the Cleveland Museum of Art in 2015.

Monet's Water Lilies. The Agapanthus Triptych

Производитель: Art Book Cologne

Цена: 999.00 руб.

Claude Monet was undoubtedly the most important of all the Impressionist painters and his water lily paintings represent the culminating moment in his career. Monet's famous garden at Giverny provided the inspiration for the paintings. The exhibition will bring to life the importance and beauty of this garden through a range of archival photographs, as well as an early, rarely seen film from 1915, showing Monet painting outdoors in his garden. Monet's Water Lilies will reunite the three panels of an exceptionally impressive water lily triptych, created by Monet between 1915 and 1926. The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, the Saint Louis Art Museum, and the Cleveland Museum of Art each own one panel of the triptych and the exhibition will offer a rare opportunity to bring the works together. This will be the first time that this reunion has occurred for more than 30 years. With the single exception of a triptych in the Museum of Modern Art, this is the only triptych by Monet in the United States. The exhibition will be on view in Kansas City April 9-August 7, 2011, before traveling to St. Louis. The exhibition will travel to the Cleveland Museum of Art in 2015.

Entre la lune et nous, quelqu'un marche sur terre.

La Roussalka

Производитель: Allia

Цена: 1017.00 руб.

Entre la lune et nous, quelqu'un marche sur terre.

Action-packed illustrations introduce your eager young language learners to essential words in Spanish - plus a few fun ones. From having breakfast together to visiting the zoo or a fantastic art gallery to learn about colours and shapes, these characters will bring new words to life on the page and reinforce those words that you already know. Central seem teeming with details to discuss and discover. Each word has an illustration to bring it to life, help with the Spanish pronunciation and a translation in English.

My First 1000 Spanish Words

Производитель: Flying Eye

Цена: 1019.00 руб.

Action-packed illustrations introduce your eager young language learners to essential words in Spanish - plus a few fun ones. From having breakfast together to visiting the zoo or a fantastic art gallery to learn about colours and shapes, these characters will bring new words to life on the page and reinforce those words that you already know. Central seem teeming with details to discuss and discover. Each word has an illustration to bring it to life, help with the Spanish pronunciation and a translation in English.

Action-packed illustrations introduce your eager young language learners to essential words in English - plus a few fun ones. From having breakfast together to visiting the zoo or a fantastic art gallery to learn about colours and shapes, these characters will bring new words to life on the page and reinforce those words that you already know. Each page has a central scene teeming with details to discuss and discover. Each word has its own illustration.

My First 1000 English Words

Производитель: Flying Eye

Цена: 906.00 руб.

Action-packed illustrations introduce your eager young language learners to essential words in English - plus a few fun ones. From having breakfast together to visiting the zoo or a fantastic art gallery to learn about colours and shapes, these characters will bring new words to life on the page and reinforce those words that you already know. Each page has a central scene teeming with details to discuss and discover. Each word has its own illustration.

Action-packed illustrations introduce your eager young language learners to essential words in French - plus a few fun ones. From having breakfast together to visiting the zoo or a fantastic art gallery to learn about colours and shapes, these characters will bring new words to life on the page and reinforce those words that you already know. Central scene teeming with details to discuss and discover. Clear, easy-to-read French word plus help with the French pronunciation. Translation provided underneath each word along with an illustration to help reinforce learning.

My First 1000 French Words

Производитель: Flying Eye

Цена: 906.00 руб.

Action-packed illustrations introduce your eager young language learners to essential words in French - plus a few fun ones. From having breakfast together to visiting the zoo or a fantastic art gallery to learn about colours and shapes, these characters will bring new words to life on the page and reinforce those words that you already know. Central scene teeming with details to discuss and discover. Clear, easy-to-read French word plus help with the French pronunciation. Translation provided underneath each word along with an illustration to help reinforce learning.

The fourth in Luke Pearson's acclaimed series of magical adventures starring Hilda, our favorite blue-haired heroine now in paperback!
Hilda stumbles upon Tontu, a lost house spirit. Plunged into the secret world of the Nisse, Hilda discovers hidden passages that only the house spirits can navigate and something has been ransacking them all!

Hilda and the Black Hound

Производитель: Flying Eye

Цена: 935.00 руб.

The fourth in Luke Pearson's acclaimed series of magical adventures starring Hilda, our favorite blue-haired heroine now in paperback! Hilda stumbles upon Tontu, a lost house spirit. Plunged into the secret world of the Nisse, Hilda discovers hidden passages that only the house spirits can navigate and something has been ransacking them all!

Fox and Rabbit live quite far away, in a bright little house beyond the mole hills. When they wish each other a good night, the rustling pear tree, the raspberries, and the stars join in. If they can't sleep, they count the good nights (335 in total). Or they try sleeping somewhere else in the trees or in a tent. Sometimes they swing on the lamp shades.

Good Night Sleep Tight

Производитель: TBS mix

Цена: 1592.00 руб.

Fox and Rabbit live quite far away, in a bright little house beyond the mole hills. When they wish each other a good night, the rustling pear tree, the raspberries, and the stars join in. If they can't sleep, they count the good nights (335 in total). Or they try sleeping somewhere else in the trees or in a tent. Sometimes they swing on the lamp shades.

National Geographic Investigates: Ancient Greece

Производитель: Penguin/RH USA

Цена: 2137.00 руб.

Offers details from the archaeologists on Ancient Rome, coupled with photos. This book also focusses on archaeological techniques.

National Geographic Investigates: Ancient Rome

Производитель: Penguin/RH USA

Цена: 2137.00 руб.

Offers details from the archaeologists on Ancient Rome, coupled with photos. This book also focusses on archaeological techniques.

Отобрано товаров 23
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