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Ширина 132

Пять рассказов Георгия Демидова из Сборника "Чудная планета" переведены на английский язык. The present volume of translations is based on the 2008 Vozvrash-chenie collection of short stories by Georgii Georgievich Demidov (1908-1987) titled Chudnaya planeta [A Wondrous Planet], from which Valentina Georgievna's reminiscence of her father and Mari­etta Chudakova's afterword also are drawn. With this translation Vozvrashchenie and its team of translators makes Georii Demidov's remarkable talent available to English-language readers. The five stories contained herein were selected from the nine published in the original Russian-language edition with an eye to the universality of the situations they present, which extends far beyond the limits of Stalin's GULag.

Five fates from a wondrous planet

Производитель: Возвращение

Цена: 600.00 руб.

Пять рассказов Георгия Демидова из Сборника "Чудная планета" переведены на английский язык. The present volume of translations is based on the 2008 Vozvrash-chenie collection of short stories by Georgii Georgievich Demidov (1908-1987) titled Chudnaya planeta [A Wondrous Planet], from which Valentina Georgievna's reminiscence of her father and Mari­etta Chudakova's afterword also are drawn. With this translation Vozvrashchenie and its team of translators makes Georii Demidov's remarkable talent available to English-language readers. The five stories contained herein were selected from the nine published in the original Russian-language edition with an eye to the universality of the situations they present, which extends far beyond the limits of Stalin's GULag.

Mesopotamian Blue cat, Varjak Paw, has never been Outside before; he and his family have always lived in the isolated house at the top of the hill. But Varjak is forced out into the city when the sinister Gentleman and his two menacing cats take over his home. With help from his mystical ancestor, Jalal, Varjak manages to overcome challenges such as self-survival and a threat from the gangland cats, and he ultimately discovers the terrifying secrets behind the Vanishings. But can he save his own family from their fate? With wonderful integrated illustrations from acclaimed comic book artist Dave McKean, this book will appeal to all ages.

Varjak Paw

Производитель: Penguin/RH USA

Цена: 700.00 руб.

Mesopotamian Blue cat, Varjak Paw, has never been Outside before; he and his family have always lived in the isolated house at the top of the hill. But Varjak is forced out into the city when the sinister Gentleman and his two menacing cats take over his home. With help from his mystical ancestor, Jalal, Varjak manages to overcome challenges such as self-survival and a threat from the gangland cats, and he ultimately discovers the terrifying secrets behind the Vanishings. But can he save his own family from their fate? With wonderful integrated illustrations from acclaimed comic book artist Dave McKean, this book will appeal to all ages.

This lavish, colour atlas is a complete guide to the weird and wonderful geography of Tolkien's world. Packed with full page maps and illustrations of events in the annals of Middle-earth, it is the perfect companion to the bestselling A Dictionary of Tolkien. This book is unofficial and is not authorised by the Tolkien Estate or HarperCollins Publishers.

An Atlas of Tolkien

Производитель: Hachette UK

Цена: 1514.00 руб.

This lavish, colour atlas is a complete guide to the weird and wonderful geography of Tolkien's world. Packed with full page maps and illustrations of events in the annals of Middle-earth, it is the perfect companion to the bestselling A Dictionary of Tolkien. This book is unofficial and is not authorised by the Tolkien Estate or HarperCollins Publishers.

From the creators of the Blue Peter award-winning Funniest Book with Pictures Raven Mysteries team, this is the first in a humorous and magical adventure series, Raven Boy And Elf Girl, perfect for readers of 8+ about Raven Boy and Elf Girl's magical, humorous and creepy adventures as they battle to save the world. Eep... the adventure begins! Raven Boy has short black spiky hair, amazing night vision and can talk to animals. Elf Girl is light of foot, sharp of mind and... elfish all over. She hadn't expected to meet Raven Boy; it's not that often someone falls out of the trees and squashes your home flat like Raven Boy did. Before they know it they are plunged into some very strange, creepy, altogether spooky and hilarious adventures as they save their world from trolls, ogres, witches and things that slither and slide in the fiendish forest.

Fright Forest

Производитель: HUK(Trade)

Цена: 823.00 руб.

From the creators of the Blue Peter award-winning Funniest Book with Pictures Raven Mysteries team, this is the first in a humorous and magical adventure series, Raven Boy And Elf Girl, perfect for readers of 8+ about Raven Boy and Elf Girl's magical, humorous and creepy adventures as they battle to save the world. Eep... the adventure begins! Raven Boy has short black spiky hair, amazing night vision and can talk to animals. Elf Girl is light of foot, sharp of mind and... elfish all over. She hadn't expected to meet Raven Boy; it's not that often someone falls out of the trees and squashes your home flat like Raven Boy did. Before they know it they are plunged into some very strange, creepy, altogether spooky and hilarious adventures as they save their world from trolls, ogres, witches and things that slither and slide in the fiendish forest.

Four new stories in which Horrid Henry terrorizes his classmates at a school sleepover in the museum; plays with Perfect Peter and tricks him into handing over all his money; gets out of writing his own story for Miss Battle-Axe by adapting one of Peter's; and meets the Nudie Foodie, a celebrity chef, who comes to the school to improve school dinners. No more burgers! No more chips!

Horrid Henry and the Zombie Vampire. Book 20

Производитель: HUK(Trade)

Цена: 957.00 руб.

Four new stories in which Horrid Henry terrorizes his classmates at a school sleepover in the museum; plays with Perfect Peter and tricks him into handing over all his money; gets out of writing his own story for Miss Battle-Axe by adapting one of Peter's; and meets the Nudie Foodie, a celebrity chef, who comes to the school to improve school dinners. No more burgers! No more chips!

Flora is definitely, absolutely sure that escaping from the quiet Scottish island where she grew up to the noise and hustle of the big city was the right choice. What was there for her on Mure? It's a place where everyone has known her all her life, and no one will let her forget the past. In the city, she can be anonymous, ambitious and indulge herself in her hopeless crush on her gorgeous boss, Joel.
When a new client demands Flora's presence back on Mure, she's suddenly swept back into life with her brothers (all strapping, loud and seemingly incapable of basic housework) and her father. As Flora indulges her new-found love of cooking and breathes life into the dusty little pink-fronted shop on the harbour, she's also going to have to come to terms with past mistakes and work out exactly where her future lies...

The Summer Seaside Kitchen

Производитель: HUK(Trade)

Цена: 1056.00 руб.

Flora is definitely, absolutely sure that escaping from the quiet Scottish island where she grew up to the noise and hustle of the big city was the right choice. What was there for her on Mure? It's a place where everyone has known her all her life, and no one will let her forget the past. In the city, she can be anonymous, ambitious and indulge herself in her hopeless crush on her gorgeous boss, Joel. When a new client demands Flora's presence back on Mure, she's suddenly swept back into life with her brothers (all strapping, loud and seemingly incapable of basic housework) and her father. As Flora indulges her new-found love of cooking and breathes life into the dusty little pink-fronted shop on the harbour, she's also going to have to come to terms with past mistakes and work out exactly where her future lies...

Lia vient d'avoir vingt ans. A la mort de son arrière-grand-mère, elle se retrouve dans sa maison de famille, dans les Landes, avec sa mère, sa grand-mère et la meilleure amie de la défunte. Durant ces quelques jours de funérailles, de deuil et d'intimité partagée, vient le moment d'échanger ses souvenirs, mais aussi de mettre de l'ordre dans les affaires de l'aïeule. Lia découvre à cette occasion des carnets de notes et des lettres soigneusement consignés dans une boîte à chaussures.
A sa grande surprise, ces écrits relatent une version bien différente de la disparition du mari de son arrière-grand-mère que celle racontée depuis toujours dans le cercle familial. Poignantes, ces lettres révèlent surtout un destin brisé par la honte et le chagrin. Lia doit-elle garder pour elle un secret jalousement protégé pendant soixante ans par son arrière-grand-mère? Ces révélations ne risquent-elles pas de déclencher un cataclysme parmi ces quatre générations de femmes? Et que faire de l'image si lisse, et en vérité si faussée, qu'elle avait de cette très vieille dame? Comment lui pardonner son mensonge? Les conséquences de cette falsification de l'histoire familiale s'éclairent peu à peu dans l'esprit de la jeune fille et bousculent son propre rapport à la famille, aux hommes, à l'amour.
Car c'est toute une lignée de femmes qui semble en avoir été victime, en porter les stigmates. Roman initiatique, "Le Cercle des femmes" démontre qu'un secret de famille marque, radicalement parfois, toute une descendance. Telle cette tribu très attachante qui a laissé peu de place à l'élément masculin dans le huis clos familial, sans jamais en saisir la raison. Lia saura-t-elle transformer ce sentiment de trahison en pardon? Sa colère en bienveillance? Saura-t-elle rompre la fatalité du "cercle des femmes" pour s'ouvrir aux hommes et à l'amour? Servi par une écriture originale, pleine de fraîcheur, "Le Cercle des femmes" est porté par une petite musique qui nous entraîne d'une page à l'autre dans une galerie de personnages féminins aussi touchants que fantasques.

Le cercle des femmes

Производитель: Moment

Цена: 1030.00 руб.

Lia vient d'avoir vingt ans. A la mort de son arrière-grand-mère, elle se retrouve dans sa maison de famille, dans les Landes, avec sa mère, sa grand-mère et la meilleure amie de la défunte. Durant ces quelques jours de funérailles, de deuil et d'intimité partagée, vient le moment d'échanger ses souvenirs, mais aussi de mettre de l'ordre dans les affaires de l'aïeule. Lia découvre à cette occasion des carnets de notes et des lettres soigneusement consignés dans une boîte à chaussures. A sa grande surprise, ces écrits relatent une version bien différente de la disparition du mari de son arrière-grand-mère que celle racontée depuis toujours dans le cercle familial. Poignantes, ces lettres révèlent surtout un destin brisé par la honte et le chagrin. Lia doit-elle garder pour elle un secret jalousement protégé pendant soixante ans par son arrière-grand-mère? Ces révélations ne risquent-elles pas de déclencher un cataclysme parmi ces quatre générations de femmes? Et que faire de l'image si lisse, et en vérité si faussée, qu'elle avait de cette très vieille dame? Comment lui pardonner son mensonge? Les conséquences de cette falsification de l'histoire familiale s'éclairent peu à peu dans l'esprit de la jeune fille et bousculent son propre rapport à la famille, aux hommes, à l'amour. Car c'est toute une lignée de femmes qui semble en avoir été victime, en porter les stigmates. Roman initiatique, "Le Cercle des femmes" démontre qu'un secret de famille marque, radicalement parfois, toute une descendance. Telle cette tribu très attachante qui a laissé peu de place à l'élément masculin dans le huis clos familial, sans jamais en saisir la raison. Lia saura-t-elle transformer ce sentiment de trahison en pardon? Sa colère en bienveillance? Saura-t-elle rompre la fatalité du "cercle des femmes" pour s'ouvrir aux hommes et à l'amour? Servi par une écriture originale, pleine de fraîcheur, "Le Cercle des femmes" est porté par une petite musique qui nous entraîne d'une page à l'autre dans une galerie de personnages féminins aussi touchants que fantasques.

"Change your thoughts and you change your world." - Norman Vincent Peale Quotes inspire, awaken, encourage, remind, nudge, spark, jolt - and fire us up so we can achieve our grandest goals. Fired UP! SellingTM is for everyone who wants to live a fired-up life - whether they're in sales, an entrepreneur, or someone who desires to live life to it fullest. More than1,000 quote judges around the world participated in a unique crowd-sourcing model to select the best 324 quotes for the book. Think Big, Get Going, Keep Going, Make the Sale, Succeed, and A Stronger, Better You make up the six parts. A cross-referenced subject index and author index make it easy to find the quote you want and search for your favorite author. It's a classy gift with a faux leather cover, 60 brilliant color images, and 3 silk ribbon markers, Meant to inspire employees, show gratitude to customers, and encourage friends. And, to fire you up! "You can't start a fire without a spark." - Bruce Springsteen "Be your own spark." - Stella Montana.

Fired Up! Selling: Great Quotes to Inspire, Energize, Succeed

Производитель: NBN International

Цена: 2126.00 руб.

"Change your thoughts and you change your world." - Norman Vincent Peale Quotes inspire, awaken, encourage, remind, nudge, spark, jolt - and fire us up so we can achieve our grandest goals. Fired UP! SellingTM is for everyone who wants to live a fired-up life - whether they're in sales, an entrepreneur, or someone who desires to live life to it fullest. More than1,000 quote judges around the world participated in a unique crowd-sourcing model to select the best 324 quotes for the book. Think Big, Get Going, Keep Going, Make the Sale, Succeed, and A Stronger, Better You make up the six parts. A cross-referenced subject index and author index make it easy to find the quote you want and search for your favorite author. It's a classy gift with a faux leather cover, 60 brilliant color images, and 3 silk ribbon markers, Meant to inspire employees, show gratitude to customers, and encourage friends. And, to fire you up! "You can't start a fire without a spark." - Bruce Springsteen "Be your own spark." - Stella Montana.

When a move to a new house coincides with his baby sister's illness, Michael's world seems suddenly lonely and uncertain. Then, one Sunday afternoon, he stumbles into the old, ramshackle garage of his new home, and finds something magical. A strange creature - part owl, part angel, a being who needs Michael's help if he is to survive. With his new friend Mina, Michael nourishes Skellig back to health, while his baby sister languishes in the hospital. But Skellig is far more than he at first appears, and as he helps Michael breathe life into his tiny sister, Michael's world changes for ever ...Skellig won the Carnegie Medal and the Whitbread Children's Book Award and is now a major Sky1 feature film, starring Tim Roth and John Simm. David Almond is also winner of the 2010 Hans Christian Andersen award. This newly jacketed edition celebrates 15 years of this multi-award-winning novel and is available from 5th September 2013.


Производитель: HUK(Trade)

Цена: 938.00 руб.

When a move to a new house coincides with his baby sister's illness, Michael's world seems suddenly lonely and uncertain. Then, one Sunday afternoon, he stumbles into the old, ramshackle garage of his new home, and finds something magical. A strange creature - part owl, part angel, a being who needs Michael's help if he is to survive. With his new friend Mina, Michael nourishes Skellig back to health, while his baby sister languishes in the hospital. But Skellig is far more than he at first appears, and as he helps Michael breathe life into his tiny sister, Michael's world changes for ever ...Skellig won the Carnegie Medal and the Whitbread Children's Book Award and is now a major Sky1 feature film, starring Tim Roth and John Simm. David Almond is also winner of the 2010 Hans Christian Andersen award. This newly jacketed edition celebrates 15 years of this multi-award-winning novel and is available from 5th September 2013.

Jude Fawley, an intelligent and sensitive young Wessex schoolboy, dreams of studying at the famous university in Christminster, Hardy's fictional representation of Oxford. He embarks on years of private study, but his plans are thrown into disarray when he is deceived into marriage and then deserted by the duplicitous Arabella Donn. Jude, still hoping to earn a place at the university, travels to Christminster to work as a stonemason. Here, he falls for his freethinking cousin Sue, but with the pair living together out of wedlock, the pressures of poverty and social disapproval soon threaten to ruin their lives.
Full of passion, anger, fatalism and tragedy, "Jude the Obscure" attacks the inequalities and hypocrisies inherent within Victorian society's attitudes towards marriage, social mobility, education and the role of women. The novel, which caused an immediate uproar on it's publication, is now widely considered to be one of the great works of the nineteenth century, and the apotheosis of Hardy's fiction.

Jude the Obscure

Производитель: Alma Books

Цена: 412.00 руб.

Jude Fawley, an intelligent and sensitive young Wessex schoolboy, dreams of studying at the famous university in Christminster, Hardy's fictional representation of Oxford. He embarks on years of private study, but his plans are thrown into disarray when he is deceived into marriage and then deserted by the duplicitous Arabella Donn. Jude, still hoping to earn a place at the university, travels to Christminster to work as a stonemason. Here, he falls for his freethinking cousin Sue, but with the pair living together out of wedlock, the pressures of poverty and social disapproval soon threaten to ruin their lives. Full of passion, anger, fatalism and tragedy, "Jude the Obscure" attacks the inequalities and hypocrisies inherent within Victorian society's attitudes towards marriage, social mobility, education and the role of women. The novel, which caused an immediate uproar on it's publication, is now widely considered to be one of the great works of the nineteenth century, and the apotheosis of Hardy's fiction.

Dimenticate Troia, gli scenari di guerra, i duelli, il sangue, la morte. Dimenticate la violenza e le stragi, la crudeltà e l'orrore. E seguite invece il cammino di due giovani, prima amici, poi amanti e infine anche compagni d'armi - due giovani splendidi per gioventù e bellezza, destinati a concludere la loro vita sulla pianura troiana e a rimanere uniti per sempre con le ceneri mischiate in una sola, preziosissima urna. Madeline Miller, studiosa e docente di antichità classica, rievoca la storia d'amore e di morte di Achille e Patroclo, piegando il ritmo solenne dell'epica alla ricostruzione di una vicenda che ha lasciato scarse ma inconfondibili tracce: un legame tra uomini spogliato da ogni morbosità e restituito alla naturalezza con cui i greci antichi riconobbero e accettarono l'omosessualità. Patroclo muore al posto di Achille, per Achille, e Achille non vuole più vivere senza Patroclo. Sulle mura di Troia si profilano due altissime ombre che oscurano l'ormai usurata vicenda di Elena e Paride.

La canzone di Achille

Производитель: Marsilio

Цена: 1743.00 руб.

Dimenticate Troia, gli scenari di guerra, i duelli, il sangue, la morte. Dimenticate la violenza e le stragi, la crudeltà e l'orrore. E seguite invece il cammino di due giovani, prima amici, poi amanti e infine anche compagni d'armi - due giovani splendidi per gioventù e bellezza, destinati a concludere la loro vita sulla pianura troiana e a rimanere uniti per sempre con le ceneri mischiate in una sola, preziosissima urna. Madeline Miller, studiosa e docente di antichità classica, rievoca la storia d'amore e di morte di Achille e Patroclo, piegando il ritmo solenne dell'epica alla ricostruzione di una vicenda che ha lasciato scarse ma inconfondibili tracce: un legame tra uomini spogliato da ogni morbosità e restituito alla naturalezza con cui i greci antichi riconobbero e accettarono l'omosessualità. Patroclo muore al posto di Achille, per Achille, e Achille non vuole più vivere senza Patroclo. Sulle mura di Troia si profilano due altissime ombre che oscurano l'ormai usurata vicenda di Elena e Paride.

Отобрано товаров 11
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