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From breakfast to dinner, dusk to dawn, children will love spending the day with this curious young spider monkey. The series focused on the way our young animal friends spend a day continues with an adventurous spider monkey exploring the bustling rainforest of South America with his mother by his side.

One Day On Our Blue Planet. In The Rainforest

Производитель: Flying Eye

Цена: 1811.00 руб.

From breakfast to dinner, dusk to dawn, children will love spending the day with this curious young spider monkey. The series focused on the way our young animal friends spend a day continues with an adventurous spider monkey exploring the bustling rainforest of South America with his mother by his side.

Красочный и информативный альбом "Санкт-Петербург и пригороды" познакомит вас с главными достопримечательностями удивительного по красоте города Санкт-Петербурга и его пригорода, расскажет об уникальных архитектурных ансамблях и городах-крепостях, охранявших северную столицу. Будет интересен как для местных жителей, так и для гостей Северной столицы. Издание на английском языке.

Альбом "Санкт-Петербург и пригороды" англ.яз.супер

Производитель: Золотой лев

Цена: 2880.00 руб.

Красочный и информативный альбом "Санкт-Петербург и пригороды" познакомит вас с главными достопримечательностями удивительного по красоте города Санкт-Петербурга и его пригорода, расскажет об уникальных архитектурных ансамблях и городах-крепостях, охранявших северную столицу. Будет интересен как для местных жителей, так и для гостей Северной столицы. Издание на английском языке.

Il nome di Tatiana Koroleva ё ben conosciuto in Russia. Le sue favole sono note anche ai lettori stranieri grazie alia traduzione in 15 lingue: inglese, francese, tedesco, italiano, spagnolo, portoghese, finlandese, ungherese, cinese, coreano, arabo, bengalese, giapponese, in lingua annamita, hindi. I personaggi dclle favole di Tatiana Koroleva fanno sogni magici. si recano in visita dai loro amici alio Zoo, partccipano al dolore e alle sofferenze altrui. donano al prossimo momenti di felicita. Essi girano il mondo, studiano le lingue per poter salutare gli altri animali: il Leone, nella lingua del leone, la Giraffa, nella lingua della giraffa, la Tartaruga, nella lingua della tartaruga, per capire in fin dei conti che la lingua principale sulla Terra e la lingua del cuore. Sono simili a noi, ma in molte cose sono migliori di noi. Si stupiscono perche I'Uomo attribuisce loro i suoi vizi: "testardo come un asino", "brutto come una scimmia", "sgraziato come un elefante", e osservandosi cercano di capire ouanto di vero ce in cio che I'Uomo dice di loro. Essi partecipano ai concorsi, ma anche se li perdono, vincono in generosita e nobilta d'animo. Lautore ha recitato le sue fiabe al Concerto per favola e pianoforte. Издание на итальянском языке.

IL giro del mondo della Tartaruga.Круг.пут.черепах

Производитель: Икар

Цена: 295.00 руб.

Il nome di Tatiana Koroleva ё ben conosciuto in Russia. Le sue favole sono note anche ai lettori stranieri grazie alia traduzione in 15 lingue: inglese, francese, tedesco, italiano, spagnolo, portoghese, finlandese, ungherese, cinese, coreano, arabo, bengalese, giapponese, in lingua annamita, hindi. I personaggi dclle favole di Tatiana Koroleva fanno sogni magici. si recano in visita dai loro amici alio Zoo, partccipano al dolore e alle sofferenze altrui. donano al prossimo momenti di felicita. Essi girano il mondo, studiano le lingue per poter salutare gli altri animali: il Leone, nella lingua del leone, la Giraffa, nella lingua della giraffa, la Tartaruga, nella lingua della tartaruga, per capire in fin dei conti che la lingua principale sulla Terra e la lingua del cuore. Sono simili a noi, ma in molte cose sono migliori di noi. Si stupiscono perche I'Uomo attribuisce loro i suoi vizi: "testardo come un asino", "brutto come una scimmia", "sgraziato come un elefante", e osservandosi cercano di capire ouanto di vero ce in cio che I'Uomo dice di loro. Essi partecipano ai concorsi, ma anche se li perdono, vincono in generosita e nobilta d'animo. Lautore ha recitato le sue fiabe al Concerto per favola e pianoforte. Издание на итальянском языке.

It's almost Christmas Eve and the rockets on Mr Claus's sleigh have exploded! With just hours to go, Mr Claus sets out to find a creature that can help him deliver Christmas gifts across the world. The polar bears are strong, but they're too sleepy. The narwhals are fast, but the presents get too wet. The reindeer might just be the perfect creature to help... especially when Mr Claus discovers that the females have a secret... they can fly!Illustrated by Kasia Nowowiejska, this charming picture book was inspired by the little known fact that Santa Claus's reindeer are female, as only female reindeer keep their antlers during the winter!

The Night the Reindeer Saved Christmas


Цена: 1141.00 руб.

It's almost Christmas Eve and the rockets on Mr Claus's sleigh have exploded! With just hours to go, Mr Claus sets out to find a creature that can help him deliver Christmas gifts across the world. The polar bears are strong, but they're too sleepy. The narwhals are fast, but the presents get too wet. The reindeer might just be the perfect creature to help... especially when Mr Claus discovers that the females have a secret... they can fly!Illustrated by Kasia Nowowiejska, this charming picture book was inspired by the little known fact that Santa Claus's reindeer are female, as only female reindeer keep their antlers during the winter!

Fashioning Kimono focuses on 150 Japanese garments dating from the late nineteenth to the early twentieth centuries, taken from the renowned Montgomery Collection, which includes informal women's and men's kimono, haori jackets, under-garments, ceremonial/formal clothes, and children's robes. Some of the designs reflect historical continuity, but many others evince a radical break from the traditional. Themes and designs from Western art predominate over historical Japanese references, illustrating the modernisation and Westernisation of Japan at this time. The range of the collection represents one of the most dynamic periods in Japan's national costume. It encompasses the final phase of the living kimono - when kimono was still the daily wear of most Japanese people. After Japan's defeat in the Pacific War and the destruction of virtually all it's major urban centres, Western clothes quickly came to replace the kimono, being considered more affordable and conducive to the new post-war lifestyle. It eventually took on a purely ceremonial or formal role, and today - except for the few fashionably daring - the kimono is worn mainly for the tea ceremony, funerals, and weddings.

Fashioning Kimono

Производитель: 5 Continents edition

Цена: 3789.00 руб.

Fashioning Kimono focuses on 150 Japanese garments dating from the late nineteenth to the early twentieth centuries, taken from the renowned Montgomery Collection, which includes informal women's and men's kimono, haori jackets, under-garments, ceremonial/formal clothes, and children's robes. Some of the designs reflect historical continuity, but many others evince a radical break from the traditional. Themes and designs from Western art predominate over historical Japanese references, illustrating the modernisation and Westernisation of Japan at this time. The range of the collection represents one of the most dynamic periods in Japan's national costume. It encompasses the final phase of the living kimono - when kimono was still the daily wear of most Japanese people. After Japan's defeat in the Pacific War and the destruction of virtually all it's major urban centres, Western clothes quickly came to replace the kimono, being considered more affordable and conducive to the new post-war lifestyle. It eventually took on a purely ceremonial or formal role, and today - except for the few fashionably daring - the kimono is worn mainly for the tea ceremony, funerals, and weddings.

Aesthetic seduction, superb workmanship, and historical interest are the three central themes in the collection of Fondation Gandur pour l'Art (Geneva), created in 2010 and still expanding. The aim of this first volume is to catalogue the works in the collection, whose decorative aspects are every bit as important as their narrative content. The works are for the most part sculptures - statuettes and ornamental reliefs - although two-dimensional decorations depicting figurative scenes associated with classical antiquity or Christianity are no less important.
The periods represented by the sculptural works discussed in this book reflect the scope of the whole collection, which ranges from the 12th to the 18th century. And since the goal of the collection is to document centuries of cultural exchange between France and neighbouring countries, all the works included in the book come from these latter regions. The hybrid styles are closely linked, and this is an aspect of considerable importance, as is the originality certain pieces display and, last but not least, their aesthetic quality.
The book is arranged by topic, which brings out the great originality and extraordinary richness of the collection, as well as the extremely varied nature of the subjects, narrative episodes, and figures portrayed. More specifically, the topics are divided into five sections: ancient gods and heroes; biblical and allegorical figures; scenes from the life of the Virgin; episodes from the life of Christ; and saints and intercessors. Each work has its own entry that describes the historical and geographical context in which it was made, analyses its iconographic content, and includes a bibliography and a list of the exhibitions where the work was exhibited.

The Decorative Arts. Volume 1. Sculptures, enamels, maiolicas and tapestries

Производитель: 5 Continents edition

Цена: 5614.00 руб.

Aesthetic seduction, superb workmanship, and historical interest are the three central themes in the collection of Fondation Gandur pour l'Art (Geneva), created in 2010 and still expanding. The aim of this first volume is to catalogue the works in the collection, whose decorative aspects are every bit as important as their narrative content. The works are for the most part sculptures - statuettes and ornamental reliefs - although two-dimensional decorations depicting figurative scenes associated with classical antiquity or Christianity are no less important. The periods represented by the sculptural works discussed in this book reflect the scope of the whole collection, which ranges from the 12th to the 18th century. And since the goal of the collection is to document centuries of cultural exchange between France and neighbouring countries, all the works included in the book come from these latter regions. The hybrid styles are closely linked, and this is an aspect of considerable importance, as is the originality certain pieces display and, last but not least, their aesthetic quality. The book is arranged by topic, which brings out the great originality and extraordinary richness of the collection, as well as the extremely varied nature of the subjects, narrative episodes, and figures portrayed. More specifically, the topics are divided into five sections: ancient gods and heroes; biblical and allegorical figures; scenes from the life of the Virgin; episodes from the life of Christ; and saints and intercessors. Each work has its own entry that describes the historical and geographical context in which it was made, analyses its iconographic content, and includes a bibliography and a list of the exhibitions where the work was exhibited.

Over the course of his acclaimed 60 year career, Gerhard Richter (b. 1932) has employed both representation and abstraction as a means of reckoning with the legacy, collective memory, and national sensibility of post-Second World War Germany, in both broad and very personal terms. This handsomely designed book features approximately 100 of his key canvases, from photo paintings created in the early 1960s to portraits and later large-scale abstract series, as well as select works in glass. New essays by eminent scholars address a variety of themes: Sheena Wagstaff evaluates the conceptual import of the artist's technique; Benjamin H.D. Buchloh discusses the poignant Birkenau paintings (2014); Peter Geimer explores the artist's enduring interest in photographic imagery; Briony Fer looks at Richter's family pictures against traditional painting genres and conventions; Brinda Kumar investigates the artist's engagement with landscape as a site of memory; Andre Rottmann considers the impact of randomization and chance on Richter's abstract works; and Hal Foster examines the glass and mirror works. As this book demonstrates, Richter's rich and varied oeuvre is a testament to the continued relevance of painting in contemporary art.

Gerhard Richter. Painting After All

Производитель: The MET

Цена: 4462.00 руб.

Over the course of his acclaimed 60 year career, Gerhard Richter (b. 1932) has employed both representation and abstraction as a means of reckoning with the legacy, collective memory, and national sensibility of post-Second World War Germany, in both broad and very personal terms. This handsomely designed book features approximately 100 of his key canvases, from photo paintings created in the early 1960s to portraits and later large-scale abstract series, as well as select works in glass. New essays by eminent scholars address a variety of themes: Sheena Wagstaff evaluates the conceptual import of the artist's technique; Benjamin H.D. Buchloh discusses the poignant Birkenau paintings (2014); Peter Geimer explores the artist's enduring interest in photographic imagery; Briony Fer looks at Richter's family pictures against traditional painting genres and conventions; Brinda Kumar investigates the artist's engagement with landscape as a site of memory; Andre Rottmann considers the impact of randomization and chance on Richter's abstract works; and Hal Foster examines the glass and mirror works. As this book demonstrates, Richter's rich and varied oeuvre is a testament to the continued relevance of painting in contemporary art.

Отобрано товаров 7
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