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Автор Woolf Virginia

Adeline Virginia Woolf (1882—1941) was an English writer and literary critic, the leading figure of the modernist literature of the first half of the twentieth century. She also was part of a group of English intellectuals, writers, and artists, graduates of Cambridge, called the Bloomsbury group. Being the most popular of Woolf's novel during her lifetime, "The Years" is a criticism of British society at the turn of the century. It tells the story of three generations of the Pargiter family from the 1880s to the mid-1930s. Their joys and adversities, triumphs and failures, all accompanied by rhythms of London's streets. Each section of the story takes place during a single day of a year, in a particular moment of the season.

The Years

Производитель: T8RUGRAM

Цена: 1251.00 руб.

Adeline Virginia Woolf (1882—1941) was an English writer and literary critic, the leading figure of the modernist literature of the first half of the twentieth century. She also was part of a group of English intellectuals, writers, and artists, graduates of Cambridge, called the Bloomsbury group. Being the most popular of Woolf's novel during her lifetime, "The Years" is a criticism of British society at the turn of the century. It tells the story of three generations of the Pargiter family from the 1880s to the mid-1930s. Their joys and adversities, triumphs and failures, all accompanied by rhythms of London's streets. Each section of the story takes place during a single day of a year, in a particular moment of the season.

Предлагаем вниманию читателей один из самых известных романов английской писательницы Вирджинии Вульф, ведущей фигуры модернистской литературы первой половины XX века. Ее романы - классические произведения "потока сознания". Полный текст романа снабжен комментариями и словарем. Для студентов языковых вузов и всех любителей английской литературы.


Производитель: Каро

Цена: 293.00 руб.

Предлагаем вниманию читателей один из самых известных романов английской писательницы Вирджинии Вульф, ведущей фигуры модернистской литературы первой половины XX века. Ее романы - классические произведения "потока сознания". Полный текст романа снабжен комментариями и словарем. Для студентов языковых вузов и всех любителей английской литературы.

Orlando (1928) describes the adventures of a poet who changes sex from man to woman and lives for centuries, meeting the key figures of English literary history. Considered a feminist classic, the book has been written about by scholars of women's writing and gender and transgender studies.


Производитель: Пальмира

Цена: 288.00 руб.

Orlando (1928) describes the adventures of a poet who changes sex from man to woman and lives for centuries, meeting the key figures of English literary history. Considered a feminist classic, the book has been written about by scholars of women's writing and gender and transgender studies.

Вирджиния Вулф - легендарная британская писательница первой половины XX века. Её прозу отличает изысканный язык, яркие персонажи и трогательные сюжеты.
Роман «На маяк» является одним из самых известных произведений Вирджинии, в котором разворачивается жизнь и драма семьи Рэмзи. Главным героем выступает мать семейства, доверяющая вдумчивому читателю свои мысли и переживания. Тончайшее и невесомое кружево слов, сплетённое писательницей в эту удивительную историю, унесёт вас ввысь и погрузит в совершенно необычный мир, сотканный из противоречивых чувств и эмоций.

To the Lighthouse

Производитель: T8RUGRAM

Цена: 662.00 руб.

Вирджиния Вулф - легендарная британская писательница первой половины XX века. Её прозу отличает изысканный язык, яркие персонажи и трогательные сюжеты. Роман «На маяк» является одним из самых известных произведений Вирджинии, в котором разворачивается жизнь и драма семьи Рэмзи. Главным героем выступает мать семейства, доверяющая вдумчивому читателю свои мысли и переживания. Тончайшее и невесомое кружево слов, сплетённое писательницей в эту удивительную историю, унесёт вас ввысь и погрузит в совершенно необычный мир, сотканный из противоречивых чувств и эмоций. ЧИТАЙТЕ ЗАРУБЕЖНУЮ ЛИТЕРАТУРУ В ОРИГИНАЛЕ!

Вирджиния Вулф - легендарная британская писательница первой половины XX века. Её прозу отличает изысканный язык, яркие персонажи и трогательные сюжеты.
«Миссис Дэллоуэй» - один из известных романов, в котором царит атмосфера прозрачности июньского дня, очарования молочного рассвета над полями. Это запах роз, шиповника, городских улиц, ночного воздуха. Цвет тонких нежных кружев, новых кожаных перчаток, лёгкого утреннего тумана. В одном дне Клариссы Дэллоуэй уместилась целая палитра противоречивых ощущений и переживаний, соединились прозрение и безумие, надежда и страх, жизнь и смерть.

Mrs. Dalloway

Производитель: T8RUGRAM

Цена: 666.00 руб.

Вирджиния Вулф - легендарная британская писательница первой половины XX века. Её прозу отличает изысканный язык, яркие персонажи и трогательные сюжеты. «Миссис Дэллоуэй» - один из известных романов, в котором царит атмосфера прозрачности июньского дня, очарования молочного рассвета над полями. Это запах роз, шиповника, городских улиц, ночного воздуха. Цвет тонких нежных кружев, новых кожаных перчаток, лёгкого утреннего тумана. В одном дне Клариссы Дэллоуэй уместилась целая палитра противоречивых ощущений и переживаний, соединились прозрение и безумие, надежда и страх, жизнь и смерть. ЧИТАЙТЕ ЗАРУБЕЖНУЮ ЛИТЕРАТУРУ В ОРИГИНАЛЕ!

Mrs. Dalloway is a novel by Virginia Woolf that details a day in the life of Clarissa Dalloway, a fictional high-society woman in post-World War I England. It is one of Woolf s best-known novels. Created from two short stories, Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street and the unfinished The Prime Minister, the novel addresses Clarissa's preparations for a party she will host that evening. Mrs, Dalloway is linguistically inventive, but the novel also has an enormous amount to say about its characters. Woolf handles their situations with dignity and respect.

Mrs. Dalloway

Производитель: T8RUGRAM

Цена: 591.00 руб.

Mrs. Dalloway is a novel by Virginia Woolf that details a day in the life of Clarissa Dalloway, a fictional high-society woman in post-World War I England. It is one of Woolf s best-known novels. Created from two short stories, Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street and the unfinished The Prime Minister, the novel addresses Clarissa's preparations for a party she will host that evening. Mrs, Dalloway is linguistically inventive, but the novel also has an enormous amount to say about its characters. Woolf handles their situations with dignity and respect.

Adeline Virginia Woolf (1882—1941) was an English writer and literary critic, the leading figure of the modernist literature of the first half of the twentieth century. She also was part of a group of English intellectuals, writers, and artists, graduates of Cambridge, called the Bloomsbury group. The story of the novel "Between the Acts" takes place in an English country house right before the Second World War, in the day of the pageant, the annual celebration of English history attended by the local community. It tells the story of the Oliver family, their hopes, worries, desires, and serves as a moving valedictory, as it is the last thing that Virginia Woolf ever wrote.

Between the Acts

Производитель: T8RUGRAM

Цена: 464.00 руб.

Adeline Virginia Woolf (1882—1941) was an English writer and literary critic, the leading figure of the modernist literature of the first half of the twentieth century. She also was part of a group of English intellectuals, writers, and artists, graduates of Cambridge, called the Bloomsbury group. The story of the novel "Between the Acts" takes place in an English country house right before the Second World War, in the day of the pageant, the annual celebration of English history attended by the local community. It tells the story of the Oliver family, their hopes, worries, desires, and serves as a moving valedictory, as it is the last thing that Virginia Woolf ever wrote.

Adeline Virginia Woolf (1882—1941) was an English writer and literary critic, the leading figure of the modernist literature of the first half of the twentieth century. She also was part of a group of English intellectuals, writers, and artists, graduates of Cambridge, called the Bloomsbury group. "The Voyage Out" is Woolf's first novel, and it revolves around Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose and their niece, Rachel Vinrace, on a sea voyage from London to the South American coast. On the ship, Rachel faces different people: politicians, writers, scientists. She learns life, experiences the first feeling, and then even real love, and begins to understand what is valuable in human relations.

The Voyage Out

Производитель: T8RUGRAM

Цена: 1107.00 руб.

Adeline Virginia Woolf (1882—1941) was an English writer and literary critic, the leading figure of the modernist literature of the first half of the twentieth century. She also was part of a group of English intellectuals, writers, and artists, graduates of Cambridge, called the Bloomsbury group. "The Voyage Out" is Woolf's first novel, and it revolves around Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose and their niece, Rachel Vinrace, on a sea voyage from London to the South American coast. On the ship, Rachel faces different people: politicians, writers, scientists. She learns life, experiences the first feeling, and then even real love, and begins to understand what is valuable in human relations.

Adeline Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) was an English writer and literary critic, the leading figure of the modernist literature of the first half of the twentieth century. She also was part of a group of English intellectuals, writers, and artists, graduates of Cambridge, called the Bloomsbury group. The novel "The Waves" considered by many as a masterpiece. In a poetic form of soliloquies, it tells the stories of six children, Bernard, Susan, Rhoda, Neville, Jinny, and Louis, from infancy to death. They all unite around the figure of a seventh character, Percival, who never speaks in his voice. Allusive and mysterious, this novel explores the concepts of individuality and community.

The Waves

Производитель: T8RUGRAM

Цена: 799.00 руб.

Adeline Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) was an English writer and literary critic, the leading figure of the modernist literature of the first half of the twentieth century. She also was part of a group of English intellectuals, writers, and artists, graduates of Cambridge, called the Bloomsbury group. The novel "The Waves" considered by many as a masterpiece. In a poetic form of soliloquies, it tells the stories of six children, Bernard, Susan, Rhoda, Neville, Jinny, and Louis, from infancy to death. They all unite around the figure of a seventh character, Percival, who never speaks in his voice. Allusive and mysterious, this novel explores the concepts of individuality and community.

Вирджиния Вулф - легендарная британская писательница первой половины XX века. Её прозу отличает изысканный язык, яркие персонажи и трогательные сюжеты.
Роман "Волны" является одним из самых известных произведений писательницы, в котором одновременно раздаются голоса шести повествователей. Их судьбы кипят, вздымаются и утихают подобно морским волнам...

The Waves

Производитель: T8RUGRAM

Цена: 862.00 руб.

Вирджиния Вулф - легендарная британская писательница первой половины XX века. Её прозу отличает изысканный язык, яркие персонажи и трогательные сюжеты. Роман "Волны" является одним из самых известных произведений писательницы, в котором одновременно раздаются голоса шести повествователей. Их судьбы кипят, вздымаются и утихают подобно морским волнам... ЧИТАЙТЕ ЗАРУБЕЖНУЮ ЛИТЕРАТУРУ В ОРИГИНАЛЕ!

The serene and maternal Mrs. Ramsay, the tragic yet absurd Mr. Ramsay, and their children and assorted guests are on holiday on the Isle of Skye. From the seemingly trivial postponement of a visit to a nearby lighthouse, Woolf constructs a remarkable, moving examination of the complex tensions and allegiances of family life and the conflict between men and women. In 1998, the Modern Library named To the Lighthouse No. 15 on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century.

To the Lighthouse

Производитель: T8RUGRAM

Цена: 716.00 руб.

The serene and maternal Mrs. Ramsay, the tragic yet absurd Mr. Ramsay, and their children and assorted guests are on holiday on the Isle of Skye. From the seemingly trivial postponement of a visit to a nearby lighthouse, Woolf constructs a remarkable, moving examination of the complex tensions and allegiances of family life and the conflict between men and women. In 1998, the Modern Library named To the Lighthouse No. 15 on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century.

Adeline Virginia Woolf (1882—1941) was an English writer and literary critic, the leading figure of the modernist literature of the first half of the twentieth century. She also was part of a group of English intellectuals, writers, and artists, graduates of Cambridge, called the Bloomsbury group. "Orlando" is a semi-autobiographical satirical novel based on the biography of Virginia's friend English writer and journalist Vita Sackville-West and is considered one of Wolfe's most light works. It tells the story of a person named Orlando. The plot covers three hundred fifty years, starting with the reign of Elizabeth I and ending at the beginning of the twentieth century. The first half of this period Orlando lives as a man and the second as a woman.


Производитель: T8RUGRAM

Цена: 808.00 руб.

Adeline Virginia Woolf (1882—1941) was an English writer and literary critic, the leading figure of the modernist literature of the first half of the twentieth century. She also was part of a group of English intellectuals, writers, and artists, graduates of Cambridge, called the Bloomsbury group. "Orlando" is a semi-autobiographical satirical novel based on the biography of Virginia's friend English writer and journalist Vita Sackville-West and is considered one of Wolfe's most light works. It tells the story of a person named Orlando. The plot covers three hundred fifty years, starting with the reign of Elizabeth I and ending at the beginning of the twentieth century. The first half of this period Orlando lives as a man and the second as a woman.

Adeline Virginia Woolf (1882—1941) was an English writer and literary critic, the leading figure of the modernist literature of the first half of the twentieth century. She also was part of a group of English intellectuals, writers, and artists, graduates of Cambridge, called the Bloomsbury group. "Monday or Tuesday" is a short story collection that includes many wonderful works like "A Haunted House", "A Society", "An Unwritten Novel" and "The String Quartet".

Monday or Tuesday

Производитель: T8RUGRAM

Цена: 365.00 руб.

Adeline Virginia Woolf (1882—1941) was an English writer and literary critic, the leading figure of the modernist literature of the first half of the twentieth century. She also was part of a group of English intellectuals, writers, and artists, graduates of Cambridge, called the Bloomsbury group. "Monday or Tuesday" is a short story collection that includes many wonderful works like "A Haunted House", "A Society", "An Unwritten Novel" and "The String Quartet".

Adeline Virginia Woolf (1882—1941) was an English writer and literary critic, the leading figure of the modernist literature of the first half of the twentieth century. She also was part of a group of English intellectuals, writers, and artists, graduates of Cambridge, called the Bloomsbury group. Set in Edwardian London, "Night and Day" tells the stories of two women, Katharine Hilbery and Mary Datchet. While the right activist Mary struggles to find love, Katharine must choose between marrying a small-minded poet William Rodney, and her attraction to the passionate lawyer Ralph Denham. This book is Virginia Woolf's second novel, a love story and a social comedy that questions the traditions and a woman's role in the society.

Night and Day

Производитель: T8RUGRAM

Цена: 975.00 руб.

Adeline Virginia Woolf (1882—1941) was an English writer and literary critic, the leading figure of the modernist literature of the first half of the twentieth century. She also was part of a group of English intellectuals, writers, and artists, graduates of Cambridge, called the Bloomsbury group. Set in Edwardian London, "Night and Day" tells the stories of two women, Katharine Hilbery and Mary Datchet. While the right activist Mary struggles to find love, Katharine must choose between marrying a small-minded poet William Rodney, and her attraction to the passionate lawyer Ralph Denham. This book is Virginia Woolf's second novel, a love story and a social comedy that questions the traditions and a woman's role in the society.

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